|7| Billy and Tommy

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Alina, Genya, and Evangeline were in the Princess's bedroom because she was on bed rest. Alina and Genya wanted to keep her company while she was stuck in bed.

"Woah." Eva yelped.

"What?!" Genya jumped out of her seat.

"I felt a kick!" Eva smiled.

"Oh thank the saints. I thought something happened to you." Genya sighed.

"Can I?" Alina asked, gesturing to her stomach.

"Of course." Eva replied, placing Alina's hands right where she felt the kick. The baby kicked again.

"Wow." Alina said, her hand still on Eva's pregnant belly. "What does it feel like for you?"

"Well. It's a strange sensation, kind of fluttery." The princess tried to explain. "If that makes sense."

Genya smiled at the girls. "Do you need anything? Water, cookies, anything at all?"

"Oo can you bring me some snickerdoodles please. I heard they were making a fresh batch." Requested Evangeline.

"Of course. Anything for you Alina?"

"No I'm alright, thanks."

"Alright I'll be back shortly." Genya then left the room for the cookies.


"Saints these are good!" Eva exclaimed, stuffing her face with the last cookie Genya had brought back.

"Ow." Eva suddenly said, catching the other girl's attention. After a beat Alina asked,


"I- oh ow! Oo..." Eva brother out as she held her stomach. "My stomach-" Eva felt something wet on the bed and something wet drip down her thighs. "Oh no."

"What?!" Genya and Alina screamed.

"My water broke."

Genya's eyes widened. "Saints." She was about to run out but came back in. "I'll be back. I'm going to get a healer and doctor!" She ran out then back it again. "And your husband."

"Okay- ahhh ow!" Evangeline screamed. Just an hour ago she was sat happily in her bed and now she's in labour and her husband isn't with her. At least she has Alina.

"It's ok Eva. It'll be ok!" Alina comforted over Evangeline's screams.

A few minutes passed and Genya came in with a healer and two doctors. The doctor spoke, "alright everyone out!"

"No!," Eva managed out. "Please can they stay? And where the hell is Aleksander?!"

"He's on his way ma'am," a healer told her. "He was with the grishas but he's hurrying as well as he can."

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