|27| ambush

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Jesper and Evangeline climbed into the wagon as Wylan climbed up onto the seat. "Quite stuffy in here." Jesper stated.

"Or your legs are abnormally long so you can't fit. Or your hat takes up a lot room."

"Shut up." He sat up and kneeled by the little window where Wylan sat in front of.

"A rat catcher carriage? I thought you said you for this from a friend." Wylan said once Jesper opened the little window.

"Friendish. She did manage to remove the rats. So... there's that." Jesper reasoned to the younger man.

"How do you know Kaz?" Jesper suddenly asked. Wylan sat silent for a moment before answering.

"I can't say I honestly know Kaz. He asked me to make a few phosphorus bombs for him. I didn't want to."

Eva not sat up and moved to the window. She pushed Jesper out of the way, a thump followed. "Why not?"

Jesper got up and pushed her back. She almost fell backwards but she held onto the sill. Wylan, despite the two behind him acting like children, answered calmly. "Because I knew he'd use them for something like this. Did it work?"

"Ohhh it worked." Jesper laughed. "Not many people can go up against General Kirigan and live to tell about it."

"I did." Eva said from her spot on the floor of the wagon. Jesper waved his hand to dismiss her.

"You might be the princess of Ravka but not if Kerch. So shut up." Turning to Wylan he continues with his questions. "Where'd he find you?"

"I was apprenticing at the tannery, so I guess he knew I was good with chemicals."

"Tannery? That's sounds familiar. Have we met before?"

Instead of answering the sharpshooter, Wylan turned his head. "Stadwatch."

Eva used her powers to shut the windows door thing and Jesper stumbled back. Not turning around, Wylan knocked on the wooden panels. "You're clear."

"Thank you." Jesper groaned.

"I know you're not thrilled about being paired with me, but you should know that..." the demo man trailed on. "You can trust me."

"To be clear I trust you because Kaz trusts you."

"And you trust Kaz?"

Jesper stared at the back of Wylan's head. "Listen. I'm not about to dissect my long standing working relationship with Kaz Brekker with a total stranger."

Wylan snapped his neck towards Jesper in offense. Seeing this, Eva read his mind. "Oh shit!"

Jesper spun around. "What?!" He panicked and looked around.

Chaos Magic • General Kirigan-Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now