|38| Shu Han

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The Crows and Tolya and Zoya were now in Shu Han at Bhez Ju. Kaz, Evangeline, Jesper, and Wylan watched as the three girls and Tolya kneeled at a tall stone holding incense. After Tolya payed his respects, he came over to the four. His sword almost hit Jesper, leading to the Zemeni moving his head to the side to avoid whacked.

"Just so you know, it's considered bad luck not to the the dead during Sunsta Sar." Tolya told them as he ate a Shu Han snack.

"If I truly believed in luck I'd be in a lot less debt." Jesper scoffed.

"And I'm more concerned with the living." Kaz stated, his usual poker face showing.

"Tend not to your ghosts and they will come back hungry." Tolya quoted a line from a peon HES read before.

Kaz ignored him. "The tea shop should be open now." He walked away, pulling Eva with him. "We need to get Inej and Nina."

When they got over there Eva greeted them. "Hello lovely ladies."

"Hi Eva." Inej and Nina fretted in unison. The three girls laughed as Kaz and Zoya stared ag them bored.

"You two. We have a tea time to make." Kaz limped away with the three girls following after him.


Kaz and Nina sat at a table with Inej and Eva overlooking them for protection. "Now we wait."

"Guess so." Eva sat cross legged on the roof, hidden enough, playing with her fingers.

Inej was crouched over the ledge, watching and listening. Nina started to speak as she stared at the tea cup. "How do you think it tastes?"

Kaz looked at her annoyed. "Like tea."

Nina sighed exasperatedly. "Yes, but, is it floral? Bitter? Mildly sweet with notes of buttery-"

"Warm. And wet." Kaz stopped her rambling. Nina leaned back and sighed.

"Saints." She mumbled.

Kaz looked up to see Inej but not Eva. Inej seemed rn not us his confusion and poked at Eva, gesturing to come to the ledge afterwards. She crawled over and waved her fingers. Inej looked around and spotted the women they were meeting. She used two fingers to signal where she was.

Said woman got there and sat down to meet with the two crows, unknowingly being watched from above. She put her ring finger in the tea, flicked it off, then placed it to her forehead. Nina followed suit, not wanting to disrespect her. The woman looked at Kaz.

He dared to look back. He gave her a look that said 'what are you looking at?' Nina spotted the two's staring competition so she started to speak to the woman.

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