|6| backstories and back pain

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Aleksander woke up to his wife sleeping next to him on her side. He reached his hand over and brushed the hair out of her face. "Good morning my love. Sleep well?"

She hummed as a response. Her hum vibrated against him, it made him feel all giddy. Only she can do that.

"We must get up. We have breakfast with your family this morning."

"I can't get up." She whined. "My back hurts and my feet are killing me."

"I'm sorry hon. I'll carry you around today, how about that?" He smiled. Her laughter, like a melody only one would understand, filled the room.

"Alright. I'll hold you to that."



Aleksander carried her to the Grand Palace then set her down in the steps. "Ready my love?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." She didn't like facing her family. The only one she could stand was her half brother Nikolai.

Guards opened the door and in they went. The dining table was very long, too long for the now family of four as Evangeline had moved out with her husband.

The table had ham, orange juice, stuffing, eggs, bread, butter slices, grapes, cookies, milk, and some salads all across the surface. Her mother at one end and her father at the other. Nikolai and Visily sat next to each other across from where Evangeline and Aleksander would sit.

"Ah, my beautiful daughter. How wonderful to see you here at the breakfast table again." Queen Tatania smiled.

"Hello mother." Breathed Eva, she was out of breath for walking down the stairs with her pregnant belly. Alek held her hand the whole time though.

"My dear sister!" Nikolai jumped out of his seat and to Eva. He carefully hugged over her belly then ran his hands over it. "Hi little guy."

Aleksander made an 'ehem' noise. "Hello Nikolai."

"Hello. Nice to see you again General Kirigan." Nick shook his hand firmly. Visily didn't want to look bad to the General so he got up and walked to him to shake his hand as well.




Chaos Magic • General Kirigan-Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now