|8| mothering

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"Hi honey." Evangeline spoke to her baby, Tommy. Aleskander was cradling the other baby, Billy. "Are you hungry?" Eva shushed.

Aleskander watched as she pulled her nightgown down a bit so she could feed Tommy. "He's not latching. What do I do?"

"His bottle is over there, want me to get it?" (I'm aware that baby bottles might've not been a thing but idc)

"Sure, thanks."

She started to feed Tommy when Billy started crying. Aleksander rocked him back and forth to calm him, silently waiting for the bottle for the little one he was holding.

A knock sounded at the door. One of the General's guards came in. "Um. We need you sir."

He looked to Eva, she just looked down and nodded. "Alright then. I'll be right there." He said. The guards fled the room.

"I'm sorry my love-"

"It's okay." Eva assured. "I'll call Genya to help. And maids. I was thinking of hiring a nanny anyway."

"Well. Alright then." And off he went. As soon as he left, her eyes started to water.

She walked to the childrens' shared bassinet and set Tommy down next to Billy. She rocked the bed and soon enough, the boys fell asleep.


Because Genya was taking care of the boys, Evangeline was able to watch the combat training. She was sat on a hay bail when Alina walked over. "Oh no." She had spotted Zoya as well. She knows the two don't like each other.

The trainer called out for Alina. "It is said you're to destroy the fold! It's an honor to have so many enemies."

Marie and Nadia stood on either side of the new comer, Alina in the middle. "Very warm greeting." Alina muttered.

"He's always like this." Nadia whispered to Alina.

"Do you know how to fight?" The trainer asked with a stone cold face.

"I've had some training." Responded the girl, reminiscing over how Mal used to teach her how to throw punches.

"Show me."

Alina stood there.

"Pick an opponent." Continued the trainer. Alina walked closer and Eva got up to get closer as well, she had a feeling this won't end very well.

"Her." Alina pointed to Zoya.

"Ah," said the trainer. "Zoya Nazyalensky. She's been training here since she was ten."

Alina then realized her mistake. Zoya noticed her reluctance. "Care to back down?"

"Not familiar with the concept." Replied the star summoner. Eva jogged over as much as she could considering she's tired and in a dress with heels on.

Zoya placed her hands on her hips and glared. Alina put her hands in fists and got in a stance.

"Fight!" Started the trainer.

As Alina walked to send a punch, Zoya merely put her foot out to trip her. She walked away with a smirk. Alina got up after a sigh, "we go again!" She requested.

"Oh no no no no..." Evangeline said to herself.

Zoya walked over in the training ground. "Suit yourself."

The girls threw some punches but then Zoya flipped Alina onto her back in the ground. The elder trainee had the upper hand and pushed the other's neck into the ground. Alina held her wrist with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"Your tracker friend also liked it when I put him on his back." Zoya winked then climbed off of the girl.

Alina, in a rage, hopped up and socked Zoya in the face. Zoya then summoned air as she is a Squaller, and Alina went flying into a stack of hay. Evangeline ran over to her.

"Lina!" Eva reached the girl. Marie and Nadia ran over too.

"Are you ok?"

The two Grisha girls pulled Alina up as Eva stood there with a worried expression.

"I can't believe she did that." Sighed Nadia.

"Oh, she's just jealous." Marie laughed. "She can't handle anyone else being favored by the General. You should've seen here when it was official that he was married." Nadia nudged her and pointed at Evangeline with her head.

"Sorry, princess." Marie said sheepishly.

"It's alright, deary." Eva assured. "No reason she should waste her time pining over him."

"Yeah, why do that when she could be spending time with me!" Nadia giggled.

"What we're you thinking?!" Scolded the trainer. He was holding Zoya by the sleeve of her kefta. "Against the sun summoner?! Have you lost your mind? Go!" He then pushed her away.

People started to whisper as she walked away. Nadia looked to Alina. "So we take you in to get you checked?"

"I can make my own way in, thank you."


Genya was rocking Billy when Evangeline came in. "Ah, there you are. These two were getting hungry. I checked for bottles and I couldn't find any."

Eva held out her arms for the baby. Genya carefully placed him in her arms.

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