How many more

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The car ride to the next crime scene was deadly silent. After he told me that in the elevator I didn't know what to say. I think he knew that I worked out the link before he did and I could see the shame on his face. He believed that he had to protect me now more than ever and he had failed at the first hurdle. Or that's what he thought. Only us 2 had managed to work out the connection which still put us slightly more aware than the others. I now knew I had to tell them but it would have to wait till after we had seen the next victim.

We were about 10 minutes away and I couldnt stand the silence any longer. "Rick I noticed the connection a while ago but I didn't want to say anything till I confirmed it. Mr Samuels wife is pregnant and he had just found out the other day like you. That's where I went the other day to ask her and that's when it sunk in completely. I'm sorry i didn't tell you but I..I just didn't know how.." by now tears had started to fall. I didn't want to look at him, I didn't want to see the hurt in his eyes. I heard him move in his chair and face me. Without speaking he grabbed my hand and just stroked it.

I pulled up to where the crime scene was. Slightly confused as it wasn't as close or sophisticated as the other 2 victims. It was close to a college, alexis' college to be exact but it was down a little dirt track that I never noticed before. I went to get out but got pulled back by Castle. I spun round and just looked at him. I had stopped crying. He didn't say a word just pulled me in close and kissed me.

The next victim was too much for Castle. He wanted to go and sit in the car but after he found the connection he wouldn't leave my side, our side. It was a young girl around Alexis' age. This was when the penny dropped for Espo and Ryan. The girl had no Id, long ginger hair and blue eyes like alexis only it wasn't Alexis. If it were I would have been able to tell from the car. Just before I spoke to laine I turned to Castle "you don't have to be here you know. You can always go back to the car" He looked at me then to the girl before his eyes settled on me again. "No" was all he said. I think it's all he had the energy to say. This body had drained the life out of him even though he knew it wasn't Alexis. After this I turned to Laine "You got a time of death yet Laine?" "Between 12pm and 4pm at the moment" with that I crouched down to the body despite getting quite a dirty look of castle of which I had to shoot back. She was barely dressed with ripped clothes strewn all around her. Her purse was about lying about 4 feet away from her. Ryan found it and brought it to me. He had a level of respect for the victim and refused to go through her bag as she was a woman. We all had a high level of respect for murder victims as they were all human. This is what made our team one of the best it helped us close cases quickly and to a high standard. He passed me the bag to which I opened carefully and looked for some sort of purse or Id card not putting my hard in and rummaging. I didn't really want to go through it but I had to. I pulled out her purse. It was what looked like a brand new Micheal Kors purse in black with a fold down piece which had her Id in. Hooray. "Espo,Ryan I have an ID. College card." I took the card and began reading the card. "Alex Crawley. She went to the college down the road. In her 2nd year there." I turned to Castle taking him back to the car whilst CSU came and did their job.

We didn't drive away straight away neither did we talk for a while. We just sat. Not looking at each other. Both scared to say anything. "Castle she was 19. She is probably one of Alexis' school friend. This needs to stop now. I can't have another person die. What if they get too close?" I was begging to show a side of me that no one sees. A side that I hate. My nervous side. I was getting worried as there wasn't just me to think another about anymore. There was rick and Alexis. What about Martha? Then there was two of me now. But that would stay pretty quiet at work for now. At least until this case was finished. I didn't want to be on desk duty whilst this case was so personal. But the link. Espo and Ryan would piece things together pretty quickly now that Alex was the next victim. They would probably ask Mrs Samuels the same question I did then it would be out and I would be put on desk duty. I got so lost in my own thought that I didn't realize Castle had grabbed one of my hand and placed his other on my leg. "Kate, KATE!" He shouted trying to break me out of my trance. "Huh sorry" "we need to get back to the precinct. Everything will be fine. We will catch this guy before it gets too far." He says pulling me close and kissing me. "Now let's get back to the precinct before the boys start getting worried." I took Alex's bag of my knee placing it on the back seat. Put her Id card back in her purse. That's when I saw it. A little piece of paper sticking out of one of the compartments. I picked it up and read it. It read 'This is only the beginning the next one will be harder to find. Stay awake detective and hurry up they won't be alive forever... I will be in touch'

Here's another chapter for you all! Enjoy. You know what to do. Like and comment. Thank you!!

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