Mornings ...

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I slowly roll over onto my side as my eyelids flicker open. It takes a while for them to focus but when I do I see the most amazing sight. My husband, my love, my soulmate. I don't wake him but lay there watching him sleep for a little while thinking about how lucky I am to have him. I love him with all my heart and I know he feels them same. After about five minutes he begins to wake up. He sits up and just looks over to me. "How long have you been awake Kate?" He asks concerned. "Not long about five minutes Rick." I reply sounding calm. He hold his arms out and we hug. He lays back down with his arm around me, my head on his chest. "I could just lay like this forever Rick" I say quietly with my eyes closed. "Amongst other positions" whilst saying this he wiggles his eyebrows. I sit up and just smile at him, looking deep into his eyes. He sat up and put his hand in my hair and slowly brought it round to my cheek pulling me in for a kiss. Just before our lips touch my phone rings. "For god sake" Rick mutters under his breath thinking i wouldn't hear him as I reached for my phone. "It's Espo, a new murder." I say before pressing answer on my phone. "Detective Beckett ......Hey Espo" I say into the phone whilst getting out of bed. "Hey body in Central Park" Espo tells me through the phone "okay Espo be there in ..." I dropped the phone on the bed and ran into the bathroom with my hand over my mouth. I was going to be sick!

" Hello? Beckett? Kate?" Espo calls into the phone with a worried tone in his voice. Rick didn't know whether to answer Espo or go see if Kate was okay. He decided to do both. He picked up the phone and said as calmly as he could "Hey Espo be there in 10" then hung up just before he reached the bathroom door. I heard a gentle knocking sound on the door followed by Rick saying "Kate, babe are you okay?" I sat back from the toilet flushing it as I sat. Rick went over to the sink and grabbed the glass that he had put there the night before and half filled it with water. He handed me the glass and sat next to me carefully leaning on the bath. He put his arm around me and I sank into his chest exhausted from all the heaving. "Thanks castle" Is all I have the energy to say.

After I have gained some energy back I handed the glass back to castle and slowly started to get up using the bath to help me. I took out my toothbrush and toothpaste and started to brush my teeth. I felt his arms wrap around my waste and i looked up in the mirror to see him staring at my with worry in my eyes. I ignored it for now and carried on brushing my teeth. I didn't have enough time to get in the shower so I changed out of my pyjama shorts and one of castle tshirts into my black skinny jeans, a white blouse and my black heels and headed towards the kitchen where Richard Castle, the writer and my husband, sat waiting for me with two coffees to go. " You okay Beckett?" He asked as I approached him, the same worried look in his eyes as before. " I'm fine, must have been something I ate." I reply trying to convince myself more than him. " okay. If you feel sick please tell me though" he says whilst shutting the door.

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