I'm Sorry

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Kate pulled up outside the loft but didn't move for several minutes. Firstly she had to ring Laine to tell her she got home safely. That conversation ended quickly. Putting her phone in her pocket and grabbing the two cups of coffee, which she had bought on her way home from the coffee shop Rick always went to, she climbed out the car, shutting the door with her butt. She made her way carefully across the road towards the door so she didn't spill the coffee over herself. She managed to get to the path and was about to climb the steps when someone bumped into her as they walked down the steps. She dropped one coffee all over herself but managed to catch the other one. 'I'm so sorry! Here let me help' she said, bending down to pick up the keys that had also dropped when Kate had dropped the coffee. The stranger handed back the keys to Beckett when the two women recognised each other. 'Gina?' 'Kate?' 'what are you doing here Gina?' Kate was confused, Gina was Ricks ex and publisher... his EX. 'I came here to see Rick. I've been ringing him for hours about his latest novel but he didn't answer so I came here to see him but there was no answer.' A panicked Kate quickly asked if she could take a message before carefully running, so she didn't spill the remaining coffee that was Ricks. She didn't have to wait for the elevator so quickly jumped on, using the hack so that it didn't stop on any floor but her own.

She ran to her door, placing the key and almost bursting through when it opened. The loft was empty, the lights off. She did a quick sweep, something felt off to her but she didn't know what. She started the sweep upstairs, ending it at his study. She tried the door, locked. 'Rick, Rick! Are you in there?' She shouted in a panic stricken voice. She listened. Nothing. Listened again. Crash. Detective Beckett came out and she kicked the door, swinging it open and flicking on the lights. 'Rick!' He was laid on the floor, his chair on top of him and glass underneath him. Kate flew to his side and lifted his head gently. 'Rick, babe say something.' Kate said, tears running down her face.

She stood up, lifting the chair off Rick so she could move him. She rolled him over, resting his head on her knee. He was breathing, alive. She kissed him gently on the lips, a tear falling onto his cheek. 'Rick please, wake up. I'm sorry' He began to stir, moving his head from side to side. He finally opened his eyes, moving a hand up to his head. Kate looked at him, tears still streaming down her cheeks. She noticed his cheek were tear stained which caused a small smile to form. 'Kate, what are you doing here. You left... I didn't expect you to come back.' He said lightly whilst sitting up slowly. 'Rick we can talk about that later. Are you okay? What happened? Have you been drinking?' Kate asked, she needed to know how he handled things after she left, after she got told to leave. By now Rick had sat up and was propped against the desk next to Beckett. He grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes. 'I'm fine Kate. I must have just passed out that's all. I promise you that I haven't been drinking, I had water in that glass.' Kate didn't say anything, she just moved closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. Her stomach was doing flips with worry about Rick. She rested her hand on her small bump and closed her eyes, tears still streaming but not as quickly.

'Rick, look I'm sorry. I should have been more considerate to how you would feel. I understand that you just want to protect me, protect us' she moved her hand over her bump. 'I'm sorry. But surely understand why I must do this. I need to close the case so we can be happy without always worrying about what else he can do. So we can watch this little one grow up safe.' She had moved so that she could look into her husbands eyes.

He grabbed both of her hands. 'I understand Kate, I was just angry that you werent listening to me. That you had made the decision without me, my input, my thought and feelings. I'm sorry. I love you Kate and I want you to go back to work but i thuink we need some terms with you going back. To give me peace of mind. Can you accept that?' Rick explained wit gentle concern. 'Of course I can Rick. But can we decide on them later? Right now all I want to do is clean you up them curl up on the sofa with you and watch Temptation lane.' She said, standing up and pulling Rick up and into the kitchen.

She sat him on a stool before walking over to the cabinets to get out the medical bag and a bowl of luke-warm water. She gently cleaned up the small cut on Rick's head before covering it with a plaster. 'There' she said, gently kissing he plaster. 'All better'. After that she cleaned up the medical kit before going to clean up the glass in the study. Eventually joining Rick on the sofa. He had picked up the coffee Kate bought for him and had set up for watching Temptation Lane, ice cream and all.

Another update for you all! Please vote and comment, I want to know your opinions and what you would like to see/ like to change. It means so much to me.

Will try and update soon!

EvilRegina xx

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