The Connection

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I walked into the precinct the next morning to find a box on my desk. I walked over confused because I hadn't ordered anything. I opened it warily to find a envelope addressed to me. The letter inside read: ' Are you seeing a resemblance yet detective? Maybe this next victim will make it clearer to you...' That's when I started to panic and castle could see so without saying anything he spun me round and held me close. He didn't have to say anything to comfort me just being in his grasp relaxed me. The moment was broken when Ryan came over, his face full of concern. Castle let me go and I turned to face Ryan and hand him the note. Castles hand did not leave the base of my back and his thumb drew little circles. "What does he mean by resemblance." The two victims are nothing like you or anyone you know?" Ryan questioned. That's when it dawned on me. Melissa was pregnant like me. Could that be one connection but even so Peter wasn't like anyone I knew could his wife be pregnant? could he have just found out? Then he would be like castle? I must have zoned out because I had totally missed what Espo was shouting from his desk until castle started saying "Beckett? Kate?" in my ear. I shook my head slightly before answering Rick "yeah,sorry" and turning back to Espo who was repeating what he had just said. After he had finished talking I wandered over to the break room to get a glass of water. I spun round as I heard the door shut to see castle walking over. " Kate? Are you okay? What were you thinking in there?" He questioned as his hand slipped onto my flat stomach and snaked around my waist. "Nothing" I replied hoping he would drop it but he didn't. " Kate I know you! I'm married to you, you don't zone out that easily. What's wrong?" " I was just thinking about Melissa and how she didn't know she was pregnant. That's all" I looked up at him and smiled hoping to convince him that little bit more but I could see he wasn't but he dropped the subject. " hey I never got to give you. Do you want it tonight or tomorrow when we tell our parents?" He questioned. I totally forgot about our parents coming round! "Erm it's up to you" I said as I moved out of his grasp and toward my cup, drinking what was left in it and refilling it.

After sitting at my desk for half an hour I decided we were getting no where and that I was going to head home but I had to stop somewhere first. I told castle to go home and I would be back within the hour and I was sorry he had to get a cab. After saying goodbye to the boys I headed down to my car. The silent elevator ride didn't help me overthinking things. I tried to stop by thinking about the time when me and castle had first gotten together and we were in the elevator going back to his place when he asked me what we were going to do. This helped a little bit but not a lot. Before I realised I was pulling out of the car park and heading towards the crime scene.

Sorry for the wait! Will post multiple times today to make it up to you! Thank you for reading and please like and comment if you have any ideas of what you want to happen or message me! Thanks again!

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