Visiting Lainie!

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I had to ask lainie if what Tom said was true. I also had to ask for her advice on what not to do when pregnant and most importantly that I was pregnant but that would have to wait till I wasn't with castle because I don't want him knowing how scared I am. When I walked in I saw lainie stood by Melissa with a file in her hands. No doubt it was Melissa's. "Hey lainie!" I shouted startling her from her thoughts. I had fixed my hair, removed my makeup and reapplied a small amount in the car but it wasn't my usual amount and I knew she could tell. "Hey beckett, there's something different about you I just can't put my finger on it." She said pointing her index finger in my direction as I approached the opposite side of Melissa. "Is there? Anyway I have been informed that Melissa was pregnant. Can you confirm this for me lainie?" I asked quickly changing the subject so that I could tell her later. "I was just about to call you about that. I looked at recent reported pregnancies hoping to find her name as I had a hunch earlier and her name didn't appear so it must have been a recent discovery but yes she was nearly 2 months pregnant." Lainie explained not having to look at the file in front of her once! "2 months? How can it be a recent discovery of she is nearly 2 months pregnant?" I exclaimed totally forgetting the fact that my own mother didn't know she was pregnant with me until about 4 months when she started showing. "It can happen. Some people don't know they are pregnant till they go into labour." Lainie explained although she knew that I knew this already. "Did you manage to find anything else on the body to suggest why someone killed her or who could have killed her?" I asked as usual. Lainie was ready with a reply. "Not at this moment I have done all the usual test just waiting for results back. I should have them by morning but I'm not expecting anything to show up. She seems quite healthy... except for this" she grabbed the victims right arm and lifted it revealing 2 bruises. Me on the outside of her arm and a rather large purple shaped bruise on her side. " do you think the attacker knew she was pregnant and tried to go for her stomach but she protected her baby before rolling onto her side?" I speculated. "That was more than likely the case. This child could have been the attackers." Lainie replied looking at castle to see if his mind had caught on to lainies theory. "Maybe the attacker had an affair with Melissa, found out she was pregnant and automatically assumed it was his therefore he had to get rid of it and we all know that Melissa would not have an abortion!" Castle continued even though beckett imitated for him to stop. "Or he could be a spy who doesn't want kids and hired someone to get rid of it and her if the need had arisen." At that he stopped looking quite pleased with himself that he had brought his spy theory into a case once again. "Only problem with that castle is that these bruises are from before the time of death. 2 days before to be exact." Lainie corrected. "I'm sorry castle your spy theory is out of the question now. Thanks lainie could you send an email to the boys along with some images." "You not going back up like? Are you feeling any better from earlier?" Lainie asked this time as a concerned best friend. "I'm fine lainie. Castle can you go up and wait in the car I need to talk to lainie for a minute" I said turning to castle. He didn't argue just placed a light kiss on my lips before walking out of the morgue. Lainie now knew it was serious because I wouldn't normally send my husband away like that.she walked over the the empty table grabbing a chair as she walked past and indicated for me to sit on the chair as she slid onto the cold metal table. I did as instructed and begin to tell her. "First promise me not to tell anyone! Not ryan esposito and especially gates!" "I promise!" She said. She looked like a school girl who was about to hear who their best mate liked. "I ...I..." I started but the words wouldn't come out. "Spit it out kate your what?" She said sounding a little impatient. "I'm pregnant!" I whispered so that no one could hear me. Lainie jumped off the table and hugged me tight. "Oh my god girl! Congratulations!" The excitement in her voice was incredible. This moment was perfect but it had to end. Lainies phone rang so it told her to get it and that I would call round later to talk more. "You best not tell anyone!" I whispered so only she could hear before she picked up the phone and I left.

Sorry it took so long had a busy week but I'm now on holidays so I should be able to post more. Please tell me what to think! Comment and vote! Thanks again!

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