Just in time

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When we arrived all that could be heard was the birds in the trees. But even those stopped when we were walking up to the cabin. I felt sick, the bile rising in my throat. I needed to throw up before I went in otherwise I would do it when I got in and that wouldn't be good. I walked to the boot of my car, grabbed my vest then walked off in to the woods. Rick didn't follow as he could see me. When I returned the ambulance was outside ready, just in case and the backup teams were scattered around the building. I upholstered my gun raised it and gave the signal for the boys to start walking. In one swift movement the door had been kicked down and everyone had started to rush inside, checking every room. I hung back. Something didn't feel right. There was no noise or anything nearby and I felt as if something was watching us. Rick had stayed back with me. He wasn't allowed to go in anywhere without me. 'Kate are you okay? Why aren't you going in?' I didn't ay anything at first I was just looking around in the trees, that's when I spotted it. The camera. 'Rick he isn't here. He is watching' Castle followed my gaze then opened his phone. Then he grabbed my arm and lead me off into the woods. 'Castle what are you doing? Where are we going?! There may be a victim in that cabin and you are leading me away from him/her! This is not the time for a walk through the woods!' 'shhh just trust me. Yu said he isn't in there I know where he is the feed from the camera is transmitting over here. You said there were 5 cabins in this part of the forest right' 'yeah 3 have private owners; you are taking me away from 1.' 'Which one is this way? Because that is where the feed is coming to' he asked urgently. 'The cabin that is used for education mainly but occasionally people who are lost or stuck can access it.' 'Right, is that cabin this way because I think that is where he is hiding!'


'Espo down here!' Ryan shouted from thebasement. Espo ran down the stairs where Ryan's voice was coming from. Ryan hadhis torch and gun pointed towards 1 door. He slowly spun round to revealanother door. Both were made out of wood but were painted to look like celldoors. There were many stretching the length of the dimly lit corridor but theywere all open and a cobweb stretched across the hall just behind the 2 closeddoors. 'You take one. I will take the other? On 3. 1....2....3' there as a loudcrash as both locks broke together and the doors swung open, each revealinganother victim. 'Espo!' Ryan shouted. 'Ryan call the paramedics down I havefound his next victim. Quickly she is barely breathing!' 'Espo I need you inhere quick I can't lift him down on my own.' Espo ran across the hallway as Ryan called the paramedics down. Espo helped Ryan undo the shackles on the maleand set him down on the floor. The room was barely lit except for a dim lightand the boys torches. The room was dark and smelled funny. It was a mixture ofchemicals and decomposition. The paramedics had already wheeled the otherperson out. She was a woman in her late 50's at a guess. The male was of asimilar age and in a slightly better condition than the female. Both were in anambulance and on their way to hospital. The boys would question them later whenthey were stable. 'Hey! Ryan you seen Beckett or Castle?' This worried the boysas they never walked off and Beckett wasn't answering. 'Not since she broke thedoor down at the front. With that they both glanced at each other and startedrunning out of the cabin leaving the other teams to do a final sweep and callCSU.

I already have the next chapter written. who wants me to upload it today? You know what to do. Vote, Comment and please share my story.

EvilRegina / Caitnortrop

Getting personal (a castle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now