Alone Time

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With no leads on Alex until Laine had finished her autopsy me and Castle decided to leave early. Partly because I was getting tired and hungry but wanted a home cooked meal instead of something quick and that me and Rick seriously needed some time together and with Martha and Alexis. They needed to know what was going on and that they had to be careful just in case this guy got too close. We couldn't say much to Alexis about Alex as we hadn't spoken properly to the girls' parents. We had told them once we got back to the precinct but left them to grieve before asking questions and showing pictures as it is hard news and with how she was presented we needed more information from laine. We arranged to meet at the start of the work day tomorrow, 8am to be exact. We had been home about half an hour before we rang Martha and Alexis to see if they wanted to come over for tea. I rang Martha and Rick rang Alexis. Both were due at 7, Alexis agreed no questions asked Martha however was much more complicated. She could sense the urgency and tension in my voice and immediately started asking questions like. 'Is everything okay? Is it the baby? Have you been to the doctors yet?' then the question I didn't want her to ask. 'Is it something to do with work?' I dismissed them all and said I would explain later.

Half an hour later Rick finally sat down after preparingdinner. He wouldn't tell me what it was but I didn't mind too much. I lovedeverything he cooked and I was sure the little one would too and hopefully I wouldbe able to hold it down. He plonked himself on the sofa where my feet werebefore I lifted them up I went to sit up a bit but he pulled my feet onto hislap and began massaging them. I sat back resting my head onto the arm of thechair and closed my eyes. 'I know your thinking about the case Kate, I knowyour worried. Don't shut me out. Talk to me, tell me what your thinking. You neverknow it might be another lead.' Rick almost whispered. ' Its nothing, really.' 'KateI know nothing. I'm the master at nothing. This isn't nothing what is it?' atthis I opened my eyes and sat up pulling my feet off his lap and putting themunderneath me surprised he let me move. I rested one had on my tiny bump. That remindedme I need to go to the doctors. 'okay.. the note I found in Alex's bag. You rememberwhat it said?' ' Of course. Stay awake detective and hurry up they won't bealive forever.' 'yeah stay awake. I need to work to find the next person beforeits too late. We have already established it isn't one of our family or friendsbut they are from someone else's family and if there is the slightest chancethey are still alive I should be working with it not sat here having footmassages, and something to eat with my family. A family has someone missingaround their table and I'm responsible for that. I need to go back to theprecinct Rick, I need to find them. To save them!' tears had begun to fall bythe end and rick pulled me into a warm hug. He wasn't mad with me. He understoodthat I needed to find the killer and that I felt guilty. He gently whispered ' Iknow you do Kate and we will find them. Espo and Ryan are at the precinctworking on finding leads with Tori. Laine is doing the autopsy on Alex tryingto find something. Gate has all reports of missing people coming through herand she is looking closely at each one for a connection to us or the othervictims. Everyone saw how stressed and tired you were and that you would be nogood like that. Gates told me to take you home and look after you and that's whatI plan on doing.' I pulled away from him shocked 'You didn't tell her did you? Noteven a hint?!' 'Relax Babe. Not a word until this case is over and you'reready. Besides you aren't showing yet.' 'Which woman you been looking atbecause I am beginning to!' with that she stood up taking her shirt off andstanding to the side. 'See! We need to go to the doctors soon I wanted to seehow far along I am and see if there is anything I need.' 'Of course I will getus booked in ASAP' and with that there was a knock at the door. Rick jumped upand ran to the door stopping to kiss me and bump before continuing his journey.He looked at me to make sure I had my top back on then swung open the doorgreeting his mother and daughter. 

Look at me updating so soon and i have a surprise for you. Because i have been so inactive recently I have written 2 new chapters. Please vote and comment. I also have a question for you all. How many of you also watch Once Upon A Time? 

Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting.

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