Baby Castle

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A few hours later the doctor came back with an ultrasound machine. Kate began to get nervous as it was her first ultrasound, the first time they would meet their little baby Castle. She had worked out in the time that they were left alone that now she would be about 2 and a half months give or take a few weeks and she was barely showing and could probably get away with wearing a baggy top for a few more weeks to keep it from the rest of the precinct, at least until she was about 4 or 5 months. That was something she would have to discuss with Rick later on. It took a few minutes for the doctor to get set up all the while asking questions on how Kate were doing, if she'd seen the family doctor and how far along she thought she was. All of these were easy to answer for her. He warned her about the cold gel but she never stopped her taking a sharp breath when he placed it on her stomach, it was worth it though. After moving the wand about a little bit baby castle was visible on screen. 'Look Kate! We made that, he's fine he's there!' this made Kate open her eyes and look at the tiny blob on the screen. Tears started forming in her eyes as she realised that her baby, their baby was fine. That's when it dawned on her Rick said he. 'Rick you don't know if it's a boy, I am correct in that, am I not Doctor.' 'Actually Detective..' 'Please call me Kate' 'okay, Kate your baby is in a suitable position for you to find out now if you would like?' She looked at Rick questioningly. The doctor saw this as a moment and left them to talk whilst he went to print the ultrasound picture. 'What do you think Rick?' 'I think we should find out but I think we should opening it at home with everyone there. It will be more of a surprise that way. What do you think?' 'I think that that is a great idea!' At that exact moment the doctor knocked on the door asking if they had finished talking. 'Have you made a decision?' he asked whilst sitting back in the office style chair. 'We have. We want to now the sex but we were wondering if you could write it on the back of one of the pictures and seal the envelope. We want to reveal it with our friends and family. Is that okay?' Castle explained. 'I think that is a wonderful idea, just give me a moment to put this equipment away and write it on the photo. Here' he said giving Kate a paper towel to wipe off the gel before leaving. He came back about 5 minutes later with some forms, the ultrasound picture sealed in an envelope and a small bag which had various dressings in for Kate's shoulder. 'Kate you can go home after you have signed the discharge papers. You need to change your dressing once a day at the least and keep it clean. Try not to do too much strenuous work which includes field work so I have a sick note for about 2 weeks. A few days before this note runs out go to your family doctor for a check-up. Any problems come see me.' 'Thank you doctor' Rick said taking everything off the doctor and handing Kate the ultrasound envelope to keep safe.'

It wasn't long after the doctor had given Rick the papers before they were in the car and on their way home. Kate had messaged Alexis to say they were on their way home so that she wouldn't be too surprised when they turned up. Little did they know that Alexis had a surprise for them.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in 3 months!! I've been swamped with work recently but its the Christmas holidays now so i should be able to get a few updates in! Got mock exams to revise for as well though . Thank you for reading, please vote and comment

EvilRegina xx

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