Catching the Killer!

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Castle and Beckett were stood a few miles away from the entrance to the cabin, hiding behind a large bush. They needed to confirm someone was in there before entering as they did not have a warrant and Castle may have gotten it wrong. They were just about to walk up to the door when they heard rustling behind them. Beckett shot in front of castle without hesitation. After all she was the one with the gun. Castle tried to get around her to protect her as he always did but he failed. She was the one with the gun and he knew that meant she went first. The source of the rustling finally emerged and Beckett went to fire her gun until she realised who it was. 'Espo? Ryan? What are you doing here? You are supposed to be looking at the other cabin and hopefully saving a life!' Beckett almost shouted until she realised what her and Castle were doing out here in the first place. 'Yeah and so are you! What are you doing out here?' 'Something didn't feel right and long story short it led us here. I'm guessing since you're here the killer, James Rayson, isn't in that cabin? This means we are right. Now come on let's go!'

Beckett kicked the door down at the front and the boys went in first scoping the first 2 rooms. Beckett went straight down the hall to where the small kitchen/ diner were. The cabin was the same layout as her dads so she knew there was a secret passage in the pantry that led to the basement. She went straight to it without anyone noticing as they were in the first bit of the cabin still and lipped inside carefully stepping down each step with her gun raised. Once she reached the bottom she saw a light coming from the bottom of the corridor. She crept down looked inside to see a man matching the description of James Rayson. She took a deep breath and burst through the door. 'NYPD put your hands where I can see them and step away from the desk. Slowly!' he did as he was instructed but turned around as he did so. She got a look at his face before she heard 2 loud bangs. One she deciphered as the boys coming down the stairs the other one stumped her until she felt it. A sharp pain cursing through her body. She had been shot. Her arms automatically went to her stomach, well one arm did. She couldn't move the other one she didn't know whether it was because of fear or if it was because it was injured. She knew she had to protect her baby. Her heads started spinning. She couldn't make out shapes it were just clumps of light and dark patches. Then she felt herself going dizzy and falling backward. The only thoughts going through her mind were 'I'm going to die and I haven't told Rick I love him' that's when she felt his strong arms catch her and lay her down softly on the floor. She knew it was now or never. 'Rick....' 'Kate. Stay with me.' He shouted she could feel his tears falling on her face. 'Rick Listen. I love .... I love you' and with that everything went black.

Here is the chapter that I mentioned in the last chapter. sorry it took so long to update. I thought i had clicked publish but i didn't. Sorry! Anyway please vote, comment, follow me and thank you for reading!

EvilRegina/Caitnortrop xx

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