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Kate wasn't hurt or confused. She knew Rick needed his space but she didn't know where to go. She couldn't go to her dads as she knew that his opinion on the matter would be the same as Rick's and would probably lead to a similar argument, she couldn't cope with two arguments on the same day. As she drove around, she thought. Rick, the argument and what to do were the main three. Without thinking she pulled up outside Laines' apartment building, stopping the car and getting out.

Running up the stairs as fast as the thoughts that were running through her head, she pounded on the door. She heard Laine shout that she wouldn't be a minute and when she answered, Laine was in her robe. 'Kate! What are you doing here?' she almost shouted. Kate just looked at her, tears welling in her eyes. 'I'm sorry, I... I can come back...' she said before muttering under her breath 'Damn Hormones' Kate turned to leave, taking a step before Laine grabbed her and pulled her inside. 'Don't be daft Kate come in, sit down. I will go get dressed then I will be with you.' With that Laine scuttled off into her bedroom. Kate did as she was told. Walking over to the sofa, admiring the surroundings, Laine always had good decorating skills and Kate hoped that she would help her paint the nursery in a few months. The silence was broken by muttering coming from the bedroom. Then she saw the car keys on the table. They weren't Laines'. 'Espo, you don't have to hide in there. I know you are here and I know you two are together.' He came out like a dog that had been told off, tail between legs. 'Hey Beckett, how do you know it was me? And how long have you known we have been together?' He said, walking over to grab his keys. 'I'm a detective; you can't hide this from me no matter how careful you are! I've known for about 3 weeks now. Congratulations' As he reached down in front of Beckett to grab his keys off the table, she grabbed his collar and pulled him close to her face. 'But just to warn you, break her heart and I will break you face Colleague or not!' This made him chuckle nervously. He knew that she wasn't joking but also knew that she wouldn't need to act upon this threat.

Espo left after Laine came out of the bedroom but not after kissing her goodbye and saying bye to Beckett and bump. Laine went straight to the freezer to grab the ice cream and two spoons. She always knew what Kate needed and right now it was the chocolate brownie ice cream that was being carried towards her, since she couldn't drink. Laine sat down next to Kate, handing her a spoon. ' So, what has writer boy done now?'

After Kate had explain the argument to Laine in full, as it would not be accepted any other way. She had calmed down. Now she could see that the only way to get back to the precinct in the next few days was to make a compromise with Rick in some way. To do that she needed to go home. She went to stand up but felt dizzy, quickly sitting back down again whilst reaching for the drink on the table in front of her. 'Kate, are you okay?' Laine asked concern evident in her voice as well as her face. Kate rested her head in her hands, learning them against her knees and took deep breaths before answering with 'yes I'm fine'. 'Kate you clearly aren't. Maybe you should stay here for the night. You are clearly exhausted and need some rest. Have you eaten anything recently?' 'I'm fine Laine. I won't be able to rest until I have spoken to Rick, sorted things with Rick. It was only a small dizzy spell from standing up too quick. I will be okay. And now I think about it, lunch time was the last time I ate. We were about to eat before our disagreement.' With this Kate went to stand up again. This time much slower than before so that Laine would let her leave. All she wanted to do was go home, sort this out with Rick, order Chinese takeout with a film then cuddle up to Rick in bed early so that she was ready to go back to work tomorrow. That was the plan anyway. 'Kate, please have something to eat before you go, even something light. Or let me drive you home. You can pick up the car tomorrow, I can drive it to the precinct if you want and I will get a lift home from Javi. I don't want something happening to you. To either of you because you were too tired and fell asleep at the wheel or passed out due to lack of food. I do want to meet this little one in a few months you know.' Kate rolled her eyes. So near but yet so far she thought. 'fine. Can you do me some toast then I will drive home. I don't want Rick to drive me to work in the Ferrari on my first day back! That would make too much of a statement and I want a quiet day so I can Finnish this case!' Kate replied sitting back down onto the comfy sofa. Laine stood up and found her seat replaced by Kate's feet as she laid down resting whilst Laine made her her toast and a decaff coffee.

About half an hour later, Laine was finally happy enough to let Kate leave but not after begging Kate to phone her as soon as she got home. Not text, it had to be phone. Kate couldn't be happier to be heading out the door and home to her husband. She loved Laine but she was too overprotective and concerned sometimes, especially since she had been told about Kate's pregnancy. But Kate was out of the door now and heading to her car. She knew what she wanted from Rick but she didn't know how to phrase it, that was what would occupy her thought whilst driving home.

Another chapter! Thank you all. Will post another update as soon as I can! Thank you for all being patient!
EvilRegina xx

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