Let's save someone

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Another day had past and we hadn't got any more leads on Alex or the other victims. Espo and Ryan must have begun to catch on by now but they hadn't said anything yet but then again they didn't know about me or Mrs Samuels' condition. I had to tell them soon though before the case told them or my bump became even more noticeable. Then there was Gates. I didn't want her to put me on desk duty before I closed this case even if it was for my safety. I needed to teach this guy a lesson. 'No one threatens my family and gets away with it.' I had shown the note to the boys and it was pinned next to the picture of Alex. SCU had already been all over it and revealed everything they could. It still got us nowhere. All we knew is that the killer would strike again and pretty soon and that they were left handed. That didn't narrow it down by much. As I sat staring at the murder board, running things through my mind and waiting for something to pop. An anomaly to jump out at me and make me feel so stupid for not realising it earlier Something was playing on my mind though. Who would the next victim resemble? We already had Alexis, Me and Rick there wasn't many left.

'Yo Beckett! There is someone on the phone for you.' Espo shouted making me jump out of my thoughts. I walked around and sat at my desk rather than on and grabbed the phone introducing myself 'Beckett' 'Why hello Detective I'm certain you know the connection by now. I thought I would give you a clue, well think of it as more as a chance to save this victim.' Said a man on the other end of the phone. I signalled to Espo to start tracing the call. A woman voice then came onto the phone. 'Detective please help me!' her voice was broken and I could feel how scared she was. 'Hi listen to me and answer yes or no okay. Are you hurt?' 'No' 'Do you know the man that has you?' 'y....' ' That's enough chat for now detective. You have 1 hour before you have another victim in your morgue. Goodbye.' I threw the phone back into its holder and put my head in my hands. 'Erm Beckett we got a trace on that call. Want me and Ryan to go' I looked up at Espo's desk anger evident in my eyes. 'No Espo I'm coming. Let me just go and get Rick.' With that I stood up and strode into the break room hoping to find my husband with a cup of tea for me. And just like I expected he was there cooling my tea down so I could drink it immediately. I closed the door as I walked in and walked straight up to him. ' Rick... we..we.. have a lead you coming?' he didn't say anything just turned around and hugged me nodding slowly.

We had been driving for about half a mile now Castle was looking over the area we were going to surveying the exits, entrances and possibly hiding places. Ryan and Espo's car was following behind and a SWAT van was closely following. I made a sharp left turn down a dirt road which led to an abandoned warehouse. We had 30 minutes left, my phone was on countdown so I knew I didn't have any time to spare. That's when I got another call from the killer...

So here is another chapter.  Sorry for the long wait but i should be updating more often. Please like and comment it means alot. Thank you!<>

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