It's confirmed!

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I arrived at Peter Samuels house hoping his wife would be in. I needed to talk to her and it couldn't wait. It was more for my peace of mind than hers but it was vital information in her husbands murder. I knocked and stood on the porch, badge in my hand that was by my side. I heard the door being unlocked and it opened to reveal mrs Samuels in trakkie bottoms and a baggy jumper. Her hair was in a messy bun and she looked like she had been crying, a lot! She immediately recognised me and invited me in. " have you got some news on my husbands murderer detective?" She asked her voice full of hope. " I might have. Sorry to bother you again but can I ask you a few more questions?" I ask hoping that she says yes. "Of course detective anything to bring the murderer to justice!" "Okay. Mrs Samuels.." " please call me Laura" "urn okay. Laura do you know this woman?" I asked showing her the picture of Melissa I had on my phone that Ryan had sent round all of us. " of course I have detective! That's Melissa she is my best friend! I have known her since I could walk!" " have you been informed about her Laura?" I question 100% sure she didn't just from the way she was talking. "Last I heard from her was the other week. She had back to back shifts all week or that's what she told me" the mood in the room suddenly changed when she saw my face. "Detective has something happened?" " please call me Kate. And Melissa was murdered 2 days ago." I said leaning forward and resting my hand on her knee. "No! She.. She... She can't be dead! She can't detective! She was pregnant! She was finally getting her life sorted! Heck she is getting married in the next few months!" Laura shouted her eyes streaming with tears now. "I think her murder may be connected to your husbands Laura and to me." I sId hoping not to anger her. I stood up from the chair that I was sat on and joined her on the sofa. She turned to face me and asked " how is this related to you detective Beckett?" And there it was the inevitable question. I took a deep breath before answering "I've just found out I'm pregnant just like Melissa had and I have received a letter from the killer proving that I am linked. Mrs Samuels can I ask you a personal question. It could be vital to finding a link between all of this?" She looked at me trying to read me. Trying to find something that told her I was lying but it wasn't there. After searching she answered "urm okay?" "Laura are you pregnant?" A wave of shock came over her. She froze her eyes looking into mine. She stuttered before finally forming the right words. " how... How do you know? I've only just told Peter?" She asked now starting to panic. I placed my hand on her leg to stop it from shaking before replying. " that's what links him to me Laura. Well not exactly me but my husband. I have just told him that I am pregnant and that is how I'm linked to Melissa." I reply hoping to get an answer. "Congratulations detective and thank you for coming." She said standing up and walking towards the door. "Now if you will excuse me I want to be alone." I respected her wishes and stood up getting ready to leave. I handed her my card and headed out the front door and towards my car. "Detective!" She yelled and I stopped and turned around looking back at her " thank you for being honest with me!" I smiled at her and she smiled back before getting into my car and driving towards the loft.

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