Coming Home

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The journey from the hospital was rather short which Kate was thankful for. She couldn't wait to get home and back into a routine of some sort. Obviously she wasn't allowed back to work for a few weeks, 2 at the minimum and then desk duty for a while, well a long while, and then she would be off on maternity for a few months before everything was back to 'normal'. They took the elevator up, after a small argument about it, as Kate was getting tired and Castle insisted on carrying Kates' bag. Just before Rick opened the door to let them in Kate stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. He turned around slowly to face her and she lunged at him but gently and kissed him. Not a small kiss like they did at the hospital a full kiss, full of passion, love, relief that everything was okay or going to be okay but mainly a thank you, a thank you for being with her at the hospital. She couldn't put it into word what she was showing in that kiss, she had tried many times in the cab so she was showing it instead. When they pulled away Rick grabbed Kates hand and opened the door.

'Surprise! Welcome home Kate!' Alexis had organised a small party with the entirety of their close friend and family, she even remembered to invite Kates dad. As they entered they gave most people a hug and thanked them for coming. Making small talk as they went round. When Kate finally got round to Alexis they had a longer conversation and Kate noticed a small bit of paint in the hair. 'Alexis thank you for all of this! You didn't have to do it!' 'I know I didn't mom but I wanted to show you how much I, we all appreciate and love you!' 'well thank you. I love you too. Quick question though/ why do you have paint in your hair?' This made Alexis look down, like she was ashamed. ' I have another surprise for you. I was trying to wait till later, when everyone had gone but its kind of spoilt it now. Where's dad?' 'aww Alexis its okay we can still wait till everyone has gone if you would like. I can wait.' She gave Alexis a small smile and another hug before going off to find Rick.

Most people only stayed for an hour as they had work the next day. Only Martha, Alexis and Jim were left. It was only about 8 o'clock so they decided they would watch a film before Jim left. After watching 'Mr and Mrs Smith' Alexis' gave her parents the second before Kates' dad had chance to leave after all, he had helped her. She led them upstairs before blindfolding them and leading them to one of the spare rooms. 'okay you can remove the blindfold now!' In front of them laid a room for the new baby, painted in neutral colours with multi-coloured swirls around the whole room. The cot was a simple white colour with swirls carved into the wood to match, the draws were identical colours and markings. On the wall above the crib it had 'Castle' painted on in a deep red. 'I didn't know what the baby's first name will be so I have left it blank so that I can paint it in later' Kates face lit up in a smile, she was crying at the sight. 'You didn't have to do all this Alexis, I was going to get your dad to do it later. Its amazing thank you so much!' and with that she hugged Alexis tightly, whispering thank you into her ear. 'I didn't do it on my own though gramps and Jim helped me.' Rick turned around to his mother and Jim, thanking and hugging them both before Kate did the same. Kate walked further into the room after saying goodbye to her Dad and letting Martha escort him out so that they could spend some tile with Alexis. She walked up to the crib, gently caressing the swirls in the wood whilst looking at the few soft toys that Alexis had placed in there. 'I haven't bought any clothes or anything because I though you would like to and I've only bought a few of the essentials. I didn't want to exclude you' she looked down sheepishly. 'Alexis no this is amazing! Thank you so much!'. After that Alexis left Kate and Rick to admire their new nursery alone.

I'm so sorry for not updating! I've tried to make this one longer and interesting but i don't think it is, more of a filler really. Only a few chapters left so will try and update as soon as I can! Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting!

EvilRegina xx

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