Looking back

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Everyone had left leaving me and Rick to lay on the sofa talking about how much our lives had changed in the past few years. A few years ago when he started following me i couldn't stand him and now we were married and expecting a baby. "Hey Rick remember when gates found out about us. The day i was stood on that bomb for four hours and you wouldn't leave me alone. It reminded me of how you were when you first started following me. You were positive i was going to get off it" i say turning slightly to face him. "Yeah. We spent most of that day arguing over who liked who first and when Gates commented when you got off it was quite funny." He replies a small smile creeping onto his face. " hey it wasn't for me! I was embarrassed!" I retaliate laying back down how i was with my head on his chest and hand laying across my increasingly noticeable bump. " i know! Your face lit up like a christmas tree!" I reached round and slapped him playfully on the chest for that comment although i knew it was true. "That has to be one of my favourite memories" "Really!" He says in utter shock. "One of rick, one of! I don't have a favourite castle i have a few and I'm afraid these are only the beginning memories. When you proposed to me is one along with our wedding and finding out about this little one has to be the best memories. Oh and the night we got together." This made Rick sit up slightly at me forgetting about the night we got together. Like i could ever forget that it was perfect! "How could you forget that night Kate! Without that night we wouldn't be here now!" " I didn't forget castle i will never forget it just wasn't the first thing that crossed my mind. I was too busy thinking about this little one and all the new memories we are going to make as a family" Castle never replied to that he just put his arm around me and his hand over mine on my belly. We laid like this until i fell asleep.

Here it is! Sorry for the long wait been busy revising for my mock exams. Last one is Wednesday until some point next year! Yay!! Will try and update soon!! Thank you for reading it means so much to me!

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