The Missing Piece

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Espo and Ryan jumped up as soon as I gave them the news and started hugging me and shaking hands with Rick. All thoughts of the case were put aside for a minute whilst we shared this happy news. That was until Gates came in. 'What are my best detectives doing swanning around in the break room when we have a serial killer to catch and a life to save?' Gates almost shouted as she swung the break room door open. I was lost for words. I didn't want to say anything I said to sound suspicious or come out the wrong way. I looked to the boys hoping they would have a suitable excuse but nope. Then Rick said 'We came in for a drink to help us and started trying to profile the guy to help us catch him before we have more victims filling up Lainie's morgue.' Gates was speechless. She couldn't argue because it was relevant to the case. 'Is this true detective?' she asked no one in particular but everyone knew she meant me. 'Of course sir we wouldn't be wasting time when we have a killer to catch.' 'Right okay. Get back to work let's get this guy. 'Yes sir' I spun to the boys as they started to get up. 'Oh and detective I need to see you in my office in 10 minutes.' Gates said as she spun around, returning to her office. 'Yes sir' I shouted after her. The boys left to go and pull everything they had together so we could find the location of the killer or at least the killer's next victim. No serial killer could stay this clean. He must have left something by accident or slipped up somewhere, they always do. 'Kate, do you think Gates knows? She hasn't brought up your sickness since you came back. Are you going to tell her?' I moved forward going to hug Rick. 'I have to tell her Rick. She is my boss I can't keep it from her. I think she already knows anyway she is a mother herself you know. She will also understand that I will refuse desk duty, at least as until I finish this case then we would discuss it more.' He didn't say anything he just nodded his head which was resting gently on mine and hugged me tighter. We pulled away after he kissed my head. 'Okay Kate. Want me to come with you? It is partly my fault' he said with a wink. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. Gates had asked for only me so I was the only one going.

'Kate! I think we have found something' I heard Ryan shout from the murder board. I practically ran out of the break room to the murder board. Skidding to a stop just in front. Luckily I had my flats on as I was only in the precinct; my heels were tucked just under my desk for when I had to leave the precinct. 'What is it boys. Make it quick we don't want another victim!' I practically shouted. Espo had the crime scene photos sprawled out on the desk. 'Look at this.' He pointed to a passport sized photo within the first crime scene. It showed part of the next crime scene, Peter Samuels back garden to be exact. Espo then pointed to Peter's kitchen and to another photo the same size as the last. It showed the large tree near to where Alex Crawley was found. Then he pointed to the last photo. It was a forest. The types of tree were similar to the ones out by my dad's cabin. In fact they were almost identical. 'I know where the next victim is!' I ran round to my computer opened the maps and googled my dad's cabin. I knew there were about 5 cabins in that area, 3 of which I knew the owners. 1 didn't have an owner and was used for school trips and things the 5th I never saw. I pointed directly to the cabin, Espo noted down the address and called for backup whilst I quickly changed my shoes and grabbed my gun.

I can feel this story coming to an end. I really don't want it to and i'm so grateful that you all took the time to read, vote and comment. Before I decide to finish the story I want to know what you guys think. Should I continue it some more, write a prequel, write another story or stop writing? If you have anything you would like to see in the next few chapters please message me or comment.

Thanks again

EvilRegina/Caitnortrop xx

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