Early Mornings

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Last night went reasonably well considering Rick told Martha and Alexis that a killer was targeting them using other people. I hadn't stayed up with them talking though, I needed rest and some alone time, well as alone as you can be with someone growing inside you. I fell asleep talking to bump before I left. I was positive Rick was listening as his mother had to call him back a few times. I woke up when he came to bed but didn't move or open my eyes. I felt him climb into bed, kiss my stomach and talk to them then pull me close and fall asleep. That was the position I woke up in at 4 this morning. After realising I couldn't go back to sleep after heaving up last night's meal I walked around the loft for a bit looking at the empty rooms, planning the babies room in my head and drinking multiple bottles of water. About an hour later I looked at the clock and decided I needed to go back to the precinct and get some work done. I needed to find the killer. So after silently getting dressed, leaving Rick a note on his bedside table and a glass of orange juice I headed to the precinct knowing that no one would be there and I could relook at everything we had and be at the morgue for when Laine got there. That was where I was still. Although more people were here than at 5 this morning it was still quiet. I had written a few notes down on my yellow pad that I always kept on my desk. Mainly things to check out or possible theories as Castle weren't there. I didn't expect him to be here or even awake for another 2 hours, which was when the meeting with Alex's parents were. Not even the boys were due in for another hour. On the plus side Laine would be arriving soon. I had rung her, waking her up and she said she would be in by 6:15 to give me all the information I needed to continue. She knew how much I wanted to close this case and catch the killer. 6:15 that was only 15 minutes away. Plenty of time to grab my bag and notes and go get a coffee for Laine and a hot chocolate for me. I needed to give her something so she wouldn't kill me for waking her up at 5:30.

I arrived outside the morgue just as Laine pulled into her parking spot. 'Good morning Dr Parish. Coffee?' 'Yes! How long have you been up?' I handed her the coffee and a brown paper bag. She looked at me confused before raising her eyebrows and looking inside. 'You didn't have to buy me food as well I forgive you for waking me up early now answer my question. How long have you been up and why?' she asked as we walked inside she placed the paper bag, which contained a rather large cookie and a chocolate bar. 'I woke up at about 4 this morning because of this little one and couldn't fall back to sleep. After walking around the loft for an hour silently I decided to come get a head start.' As I said this I carefully rested my hand and arm over my bump making it highly noticeable even though it was already noticeable with my tight top on. I had left my jacket in the precinct and now regretted it as the boys would be there when I got back and would probably notice. But it was my on fault for choosing clothes in the dark. Laine just looked, smiled and went to turn on the lights in the morgue and get Alex out of the freezer. 'So what do we have Laine? I need to tell her parents what really happened.' 'Well, Alex here was not sexually assaulted or there was no trace of anything but she was attacked. It looks as if she were locked up somewhere for a good few hours before we found her, there is minor bruising around her ankles that proves this but she was not killed there. It looks as if she was driven to the site and tried to get away. She has major bruising on her right wrist and her neck.' 'So she was strangled?' I butted in trying to get a clearer picture. 'It looks that way but COD is not strangulation. She was injected with something... here' Laine pointed towards the left side of her neck. 'Lab is running tox's on it now. Shouldn't be too long they work all night. That wasn't all I found. There was something under her fingernails. Something from where she was being held I think.' She looked down at her notes before continuing to double check. 'Wood varnish but this stuff isn't used anymore on anything. 30 years to be exact.' With that information burning away at me I left to put the information back on the murder board but not without saying a proper goodbye to Laine. I ran back in colliding with her hugging her tightly and saying thank you before turning around and practically running. I turned back to see her shocked but waving. I wasn't normally in a good mood this early in the morning especially with the morning sickness and she knew that, that's why it shocked her even more.

Told you I had 2 chapters. Thanks for reading, commenting and voting. Please continue it measn the world to me. 

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