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When Kate awoke she found herself lying in a hospital bed, machines beeping next to her and her hand was tightly grasped within someone else's. She didn't move anything but her eyes as they slowly began to open up, adjusting to the light. She heard light snores coming from the man asleep next to her. Her husband, her love, her soulmate. She looked out into the hallway to see a clock. She had been unconscious for about 3 hours give or take, no wonder Rick was asleep. She began to sit up only she was stopped by a sharp pain in her shoulder forcing her to sit back and let out a small whimper. This woke rick who sat bolt upright in his chair. 'Kate! You're awake. How you feeling?' 'Urgh a little sore but okay.' She answered in a raspy voice trying to readjust in the bed so she could comfortably look at him. She cleared her throat before continuing. 'Is everything okay? What did the doctor say? Is the...' the doctor walked in before Kate could finish my sentence but Rick knew what she was going to say and just gripped my hand. 'Ah Mrs Castle your awake. How you feeling?' Doctor Kelsey said rather cheerfully for someone working long hours. She was Castle's doctor, well the family doctor but Kate had had no reason to visit her yet. After her shooting Kate was seeing a doctor the precinct had given her and she didn't really get to know them that well. However Kate had seen her a few times and knew her considerably well after going with Rick and even Alexis a few times when she was really worried. 'I'm a little sore and full of questions but other than that carrying on' 'okay well I've just come to check you over then I will leave you to ask Rick answer as many questions as he can. I will be back in about half an hour to give you some more medication. If you need anything beforehand feel free to press the buzzer. I have linked this one directly to my pager' she indicated to the blue button. 'and this one is linked to the nurses.' She lifted the red one up so that she knew Kate was clear on which one was which. 'Thank you. Doctor?' Kate shouted just before the doctor left the room causing her to spin back around. 'Yes detective?' 'Is my... is my baby okay?' it pained Kate to say this partly because she was thinking the worst and partly because she needed to know so badly that she didn't care what her condition was as long as the baby was healthy. 'your baby is perfectly fine and healthy. We can do an ultrasound a bit later on if you want. But you must get some rest first. Deal!' 'Deal' Kate agreed with a large sigh that she didn't know she was holding in. and with that the doctor left the 2 alone.

Kate and Rick talked for what seemed like hours before anyone else came. Kate had rung her dad and told him everything was fine, getting the reply that he would be round later to see her. Martha and Alexis both had a long phone call with Rick where he explained what the doctor had told them a few hours before. Alexis even wanted to speak to Kate herself and refused to hang up till she did. She even threatened that if her dad hung up she would be in the first taxi over to them and would not leave. This made rick give Kate the phone and Kate chuckle as he pulled his pouty face. The one where he looks like he has just been told off. Espo, Ryan and Laine came and went. Laine stopping longer to ensure everything was okay and that the doctor was looking after them both properly. Kate didn't know whether it was the doctor in her or the caring best friend but she liked seeing it and knew she would be seeing it for the next 5 and a half months. Even captain Gates came and told Beckett to take as much time off as she needed and that they would discuss what would happen when she got back. After gates left they were finally alone and Kate managed to get a closer look at the damage caused by the bullet as the nurse came to change her bandage and clean the wound again. It had left a nice sized hole in her shoulder that was stitched up and would most definitely scar but she could deal with that. There were only 3 things that mattered to Kate in that moment. Her husband, her baby and her future.

I'm so sorry! It's been a hectic 2 months! was on holiday then started A-levels and found it really difficult to find time to write! I will try and update more often. Thank you for sticking with me! and hello to all the new readers! Please continue voting and commenting!

EvilRegina xoxo

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