The Next Day...

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I sat up in a panic as I knew that I had fell asleep on the sofa with Rick. With this case getting more and more personal each time we find something new I didn't want to let him out of my sight. Just as I scrambled out of bed, falling onto the floor in the process the door opened and in walked the love of my life carrying a tray with breakfast on. As soon as he saw me sat with only my eyes peering over the edge of the bed he sort of ran towards me bei ng careful as to not drop the tray he was carrying. Placing it on the bed so that he could help me up, his face full of worry and panic. "Kate! What happened are you okay?! I.." "rick" I said quietly but he didn't here me. "I was just making breakfast... I didn't expect you to wake up..I'm..." "Rick!" I shouted this grabbed his attention he stopped fussing over me and just looked at me. He was crouched down in front looking me with one hand on my knee the other on the floor to stop him from falling over himself. "I'm fine, I was coming to find you when you opened the door and made me jump. Just help me back onto the bed please." I say as I hadn't completely woke up yet. "I'm yeah sure. Here grab my hands" he said as he stood up holding out his hand. He placed his feet gently over mine to stop me from slipping forward and hoisted me up. "Thanks. Now what's for breakfast" I say kissing him on the cheek before climbing back into bed. He picks up the tray and places it in front of me. "Bacon, eggs and toast with a cup of coffee for my queen" "but rick.." "it's decaf babe it won't harm the baby" "love you Castle" "love you too Mrs Castle"

A few hours later and we were sat in the precinct. I was sat on the edge of the desk just staring at the murder board waiting for something to jump out at me but nothing was. We hadn't gotten much further with the case and luckily we hadn't found another body. I was yet to mention the connection to anyone else but I knew I had to do it soon. I didn't know how castle would react though and I didn't want to really. Talking of castle he went into the break room about 10 minutes ago where is he with my drink! That when u saw him just stood in the break room staring into thin air, a bit like I was at the murder board. I started heading over to break him out of his trance and ask him what he was thinking about but espo shouted "hey beckett another one" I rolled my eyes and spun round heading for my leather jacket with matched my boots that rick bought me. He must have heard espo as he was behind me in seconds as I waited for the elevator. Getting in I decided to ask him. "Rick babe.. what were you thinking about in there? You were taking ages?" He avoided my gaze,taking his phone out of his pocket. Once the elevator door closed I turned towards him and grabbed his phone pinning him against the wall. I had about 3 minutes before the elevator reached the bottom to get the information out of him. This wasn't the first time of getting him to talk this way. I asked him again this time giving him no choice. " Kate it doesn't matter. It was just a theory that's all just not all very good one." "Rick your lying to me what's this about. You can tell me anything." "Okay it is about the case. You know Melissa was pregnant?" Time was coming to an end I knew I had to move now or we would be caught so I backed away slowly and returned to my starting position whilst answering "yeah.." " I think that's the link to you..."

Hey readers. Sorry for such the long wait it seems like forever! Anyway here is another chapter. It's only a short one and will hopefully get another one up soon! Thanks for stopping with me and please comment your opinions and vote it means a lot to me! Thanks again

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