The Crime Scene

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The drive to central Park was mostly silent. He was sat staring out of the passenger window in his own little world. I would love to know what he is thinking sometimes.

"It's so unlike Kate to be sick. It's really unlike her especially so sudden. She was fine when she woke up. I hope she is right and it is just something she ate. She seems fine now." Rick thought whilst glancing at kate in the drivers seat. "She does look abit pale though." He thought whilst turning his body to face her. "Kate do you want me to drive, you seem tire and pale?" He asked, his voice full of concern. "No. I'm okay we are not far away now. I'm fine there's no need to worry." I replied making a left through the traffic lights and heading down the road towards Central park.

When they arrived Espo and Ryan were already on the scene. 2 uniforms were stood at the entrance to the park and guided the way to where our murder victim laid. I walked over to lainie who stood up when she saw me walking over. "Girl why do you look so pale? Are you okay?" She said when I was stood opposite her. "I'm fine lainie just feeling a bit sick that's all. I will be fine in a bit" I replied hoping she would just leave it. She quickly wrapped up the conversation with an "okay" when she saw that castle was heading towards us. I knew she wanted to say more on the subject but not around castle. (We are called by our last names at work and I kept mine as beckett as it would be easier) lainie proceeded her medical examination "Here we have a white female, no ID, no keys or phone and I'm guessing around 25 give or take a few years. Time of death was around 4 this morning. I'm saying between 3 and 5 would be most likely but I will know more when I get back to the lab. Cause of death was asphyxiation then two bullets to the chest just to make sure. 9 caliber probably from a handgun. That's all I can tell you at the minute. I will have more when I get him to the lab." "Okay thanks lainie I say as I turn and face Esposito and Ryan who were approaching us." Who found our Jane Doe?" I ask Espo half expecting him to have to look down at his notes however he didn't he stared at me for a few seconds and decided to leave asking me what happened that morning till we got back to the precinct. "An early morning dog walker called in about an hour ago but she couldn't tell us who she is or if she had seen her in this part of the park before. She is sat over there if you want to ask her something?" He informs me. " I trust that you and Ryan have everything we need" I say with a smug grin forming across my pale face. Ryan seeing this grin form decided to change the subject. "Okay we will canvas the area to see if anyone saw anything suspicious this morning between......" Ryan paused as I hadn't given him the time of death window yet. "Between 3 and 5" castle answered before I had the chance to. "Right okay see you back at the precinct in a bit" Ryan and Espo said in unison as they turned and walked away. Castle and i walked back to the car after having collected everything we needed from the crime scene. SCU would send back the analysis of any prints or anything found but that would take time so all we had left to do was go back to the precinct and write what we already had on the murder board and hope Esposito and Ryan could find something.

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