3 In the club

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I was pretty nervous a few hours later when I stood in front of the entrance to the club where Roman wanted to meet me. Somehow I had a weird feeling about the whole thing. It didn't take long until I realized where this feeling came from. The more I looked around and saw all the breathtakingly beautiful women who wanted to get in, the more uncertain I was whether the bouncer would let me in at all.

Normally clubs were not my thing. I could count the times I had been in such a place on one hand. Maybe I should have taken Hannah with me. But she had insisted that I should do something on my own and that if things went well she didn't want to be the third wheel. 

"Sorry. You're not on the list and we've got enough ladies in there right now," the bouncer said when it was my turn and I told him my name.

That was exactly what I expected, but still I was pretty disappointed. I didn't even have the chance to let Roman know where I was or what had happened. I had no choice but to leave and forget the whole thing.

"She's with me," I suddenly heard this deep voice say as I turned to leave.

I quickly turned back and stared into those warm, chocolate colored eyes. Immediately I couldn't help but smirk. The bouncer gave me a dirty look before he let me in. He was probably lucky that Roman didn't see that look. I couldn't be sure, but I could imagine that he wouldn't tolerate such disrespectful behavior.

"I'm glad you made it, baby girl. I'm sorry. I don't know your name yet," Roman said to me as we walked in.

I was about to take out my money to pay the entrance ticket, but he was faster than me. Then he took me by the hand and together we went up the stairs. It was quite noisy now. I tried to tell him my name, but he didn't understand a word.

Then we got to the VIP area of the club. Here the music and the shouting was not quite so deafening. That's why I made a new attempt.

"My name is Cassia. Cassia Hall." I said.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Cassia. And that's a beautiful name, by the way." he replied before taking my hand in his.

"Thank you. So Roman... what would you like to drink?" I asked when I noticed that we were standing at the bar.

He looked at me questioningly.

"I owe you a drink. Remember? I'm sorry I ruined your shirt, by the way," I explained.

"Oh, that. Don't worry about it. And it's sweet that you want to do that, but it's not necessary. But the look on your face tells me you're not going to let it go, right?" he replied.

"You're right about that. So... what'll it be, big man?" I asked.

"A beer." he said with a smile that made my knees go weak.

I got him his beer and for me a cocktail. Then we sat down in one of the seating areas where we began to talk. However, it was necessary to sit close together. Our heads were tilted close to each other as the volume rose. The temperature also rose. However, I wasn't sure if it was really the room or maybe the alcohol and the hot man sitting next to me.

As he wiped a strand of hair from my face, his fingertips lightly touched my cheek. This small, quite simple gesture made it burn under my skin. Everything inside me began to tingle.

"Would you like to dance?" I asked, desperate for an excuse to touch him.

"Baby girl... I don't dance." he said almost a little shyly.

"Please, Roman! For me?" I asked, batting my eyelashes. 

Carefully, I placed my hand on his thigh. I immediately saw him bite his lip. The more he thought about it the better he seemed to like the idea.

"Okay just for you, Cassia. But if another guy gets too close to you on the dance floor, I might get jealous." he replied, taking a big chug from his bottle before standing up.

Roman took me by the hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. The music was loud. The bass was thundering in my ears. And the mood was exuberant. It didn't take long for us to find our rhythm and just let the music guide us.

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