17 Making a plan

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Cassia POV

With a deep sigh, I stared at the monitor in front of me and tried to concentrate. I had to get this right somehow. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't come up with an idea for the new design I was supposed to make. The only thing that helped me at the moment was the fact that I had 3 weeks left.

I looked at the clock. It was already quite late and Roman was still not there. Where was he? His plane had landed on time, I knew that. And he had texted me on the way to the car. So where was he? Had something happened?

I quickly got up and went downstairs to the living room. Again I checked my phone to see if he had messaged me. But there was nothing. Then I dialed his number. When it rang I felt my heart hammering in my throat. My breathing was getting faster by the second. He did not answer.

But then I heard something. Was that a car? I quickly ran outside just as he got out.

"Where were you?" I asked a little breathlessly.

"Hi, baby girl. I'm so sorry. My phone ran out of battery. I stopped at Mom's house first. I told you I was going to stop by and see her. Nothing to worry about. Everything is fine. I'm sorry I scared you," Roman said as he approached me with big steps and a guilty but worried face.

He took me in his arms, but almost immediately I pushed him away from me as I began to sniffle.

"I guess I forgot about that. You really scared me a lot, Roman." I whispered as I walked back into the house.

Without thinking about it, I went into the powder room to wash my hands. They felt sweaty and sticky.

"I'm sorry. I know how tense you are. What can I do for you?" he asked as I came back into the living room where he was already waiting for me.

Roman had his brow furrowed while he tried to interpret my mood. But that was probably easier said than done, since I didn't know how I felt myself. I had never felt such inner chaos before.

"I don't know. I think I need a nap." I finally replied, then made my way upstairs.

"What do you say we eat dinner together first? Aren't you hungry?" he asked.

"No... no not really. I just want to sleep." I said before practically running up the stairs.

All I wanted to do was sleep. I had hopes that I would just wake up and then everything would be okay again. I didn't even know myself why I was so out of it.


Roman POV

It was getting worse and worse. And I could only hope that Mom's idea would help. Maybe it was a good thing to get Cassia out of her routine. Because right now I felt like she was going around in circles and couldn't find her way out.

I decided to let her rest and make a plan in the meantime. It would not be easy, but if there was one thing I was sure of, it was that this woman was worth it.

With a heavy heart, I went into the kitchen and plugged in my phone. Then I turned it back on. Immediately I went in search of someplace to take Cassia to take her mind off things. Fortunately, it didn't take long before I came across something suitable.

I made all the reservations that were necessary. A look at the clock showed me that it had taken much longer than I thought. But now I had the chance that my girl was already sleeping deeply and I could pack our things as quietly as possible.

Now all I needed was an excuse to get Cassia out of the house and into the car.

I racked my brain for quite some time until I finally came up with an excuse that I thought would work.

When I was done with everything, I went to take a shower before I snuggled into bed with her. Again she whimpered softly. That's why I pulled her gently to me. I pressed a kiss on her hair. Cassia put her hand on mine and held it close to her. I had to smile because it was the first time today that she let me near her.

"I love you, baby girl. Everything is going to be okay. I promise." I whispered.

The next morning I rolled out of bed at an early hour to make breakfast. I hurried so I could surprise Cassia with breakfast in bed. And to my surprise I managed to be back in the bedroom just as she sat up.

"Good morning, baby girl." I said, carefully placing the tray on the bed.

"Morning, Ro. Up so early? It smells delicious." she replied sleepily.

"I thought I'd surprise you. Listen... Can I ask you something?" I wanted to know as I sat down with her.

"Okay..." she replied hesitantly.

"What do you say we go to the home depot later and you pick out some new paint or wallpaper for your office?" I asked.

"Oh. Roman, I don't need to do that. Everything can stay the way it is." said Cassia.

"No.... this is your home now too and I want it to look like it. You can change anything you want. I thought we'd start with the office since you spend so much time there. I want you to feel comfortable here," I replied.

"Um... I guess that's okay..." she finally said, probably at my pouty face.

"Great. But now let's eat before it gets cold." I said, having to hold myself back so I didn't spoil the surprise.

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