32 In awe

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Roman POV

"There's another one coming... Give me your hand..." Cassia gasped as we were now on our way to the hospital.

I did as she said and let her squeeze my hand as hard as she could. And wow! She developed a strength I didn't think was possible.

Before we left Cassia had freshened up while I said goodbye to Hannah and Elliott and then called our parents to tell them we were heading to the hospital. Mom said she would take care of Buttons in the meantime. That was good, because neither of us had any idea how long it would take.

But now, 30 minutes later and numerous contractions later, I was getting more and more the feeling that our little one wasn't going to take that much time.

"You're doing great, baby girl. We'll be right there..." I said, hoping it would help her.

I drove the car right in front of the entrance to the hospital. Then I tried, more or less in vain, to take a deep breath. I was nervous and excited at the same time. Like Cassia, I couldn't wait to meet our daughter.

I got out, rushed around the car to help Cassia get out. We had just taken the first steps toward the entrance when a nurse approached us. She called out to an attendant to bring a wheelchair.

Everything happened like a blur, it happened so fast. The registration, then Cassia would be hooked up to one of those machines to see how the baby was doing. I was told in that time to park my car because it couldn't stay in the entrance way and get her bag. My head was so messed up that I hadn't even thought about it.

When I returned, my fiancée was already taken to her room. The doctor followed us to tell me how it looked just when Cassia had the next contraction. Before she could ask for it, I gave her my hand.

"Deep breaths, Miss Hall. As deep and long as you can. Give yourself and the baby as much oxygen as you can." the doctor said as he looked at the contraction recorder.

"Okay... so as I told your fiancée the cervix is already at 8 centimeters. The anesthesiologist is on his way for the epidural. I don't expect it will be long before we can start delivering your baby." he said when the contraction was over.

"Can I walk around a little while longer? I feel like that would help." Cassia asked.

"Certainly. But your fiancé should always be very close to you. I'll be back in 15 minutes at the latest." he replied.

"Oh... that's a big one..." she said a few minutes later as we walked slowly up and down the hallway.

She propped herself up against the wall with one hand while I held the other. I stood in front of her so she could lean her head against my chest. As I listened to her heavy breathing I realized that I had been holding my breath the whole time. I took a deep breath. The last thing I wanted to do was pass out because I forgot to breathe.

"Miss Hall? We're ready to go. Come with me and sit on the bed." the nurse said as we arrived outside the room.

Cassia was doing what she said just as the anesthesiologist entered the room. He quickly explained what he was going to do and how it would feel for her. Even though she didn't complain a single time about the pain, I could see how relieved she was that she wasn't going to feel it anymore.

Then she could lie down. A small sigh escaped her as she looked up at me. Gently I wiped a strand of hair from her forehead before I gave her a little kiss.

"I'm so excited." she whispered.

"I know. So am I." I replied softly.

That was when my phone beeped. It was probably Cassia's mom, she had said she would check in as soon as she and her husband got here.

"Do you want to see your mom, baby girl? They're here..." I asked.

"No... no... I want us to have this moment just for us." she replied after a moment's hesitation.

"Okay." I said as the next contraction was already coming.

But thanks to the PDA, she only felt the pressure in her body. The absence of pain allowed her to relax a little and close her eyes for a few minutes.

"Miss Hall? I'm going to check you again." the doctor said when he returned a few minutes later.

"Your cervix is fully dilated. We'll get everything ready and then we can start." he explained.


"Miss Hall, you need to push a little harder. The baby has a big head." the doctor said as Cassia pushed for 20 minutes already.

"Why am I not surprised..." she gasped.

I had my arm around her shoulders to support her while she continued to squeeze my hand.

"Just like that... One more time." he said.

Cassia was panting with strain. What I wouldn't have done to take that from her. My heart ached when I saw her like that.

"The head is out. One more time and you can see your daughter." he told doctor then.

"Did you hear that, baby girl. You almost got it." I encouraged her.

And then the time actually came. The first, rather loud cries of our little daughter echoed through the room. The doctor wiped her face before gently placing her on Cassia's chest.

"Welcome to the world my little rainbow." she sniffled as she saw our child for the first time.

I looked at both of my girls in awe and could hardly believe my luck. Nor could I put it into words. She was as perfect as her mommy. With a head full of hair and that little nose. I quickly counted all the tiny fingers and tiny toes. Everything was just as it should be.

"Hi my little bean.... I'm your daddy." I said softly as my index finger gently stroked her tiny cheek.

"Thank you, Ro... thank you for letting me be an actual mommy now." Cassia said softly as she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"I thank you, baby girl. I can't tell you how much I love my two girls. Look at her... She looks just like you!" I replied just as moved.

"We love you too..." she said tiredly and then turned her eyes back to the little person in her arms.

At that moment, Baby Cosima Grace opened her beautiful eyes. She looked at us as if she knew exactly what a great blessing... what a wonderful gift she was.

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