9 First step

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Cassia POV

While sitting next to Roman in the car, I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. They blurred my vision so that I had no idea where he was driving me. A quiet sob escaped me. And since it was completely quiet in the car, Roman heard it immediately.

"Hey... what's wrong?" he asked gently and worriedly.

"I'm just... just... it's all too much.... What am I going to do?" I cried while wiping the tears from my cheek with both hands.

Only there was little point, because new ones kept coming too fast. Those stupid hormones certainly didn't help me one bit at the moment. I tried to take a deep breath, but I only partially succeeded.

"I know... I know.... Everything is going to be okay. We're going to figure this out. And I want you to know that you're not alone, okay? Tonight you stay with me so we have all the time in the world to talk about everything." he replied and then reached for my hand to hold it tightly.

"I'm scared," I whispered.

It was the first time I admitted that to myself. Somehow it was a relief to say it. Some of the weight that was on me was gone. At least for a moment.

"Me too." he admitted.

"But... we're responsible adults and we can handle it. I always wanted to have kids. A big family... Now, it's not how I envisioned it, but I trust God to have a plan. And no matter what happens to us, I will always be there for this baby and for you. Because we're a family now." He continued before parking the car in front of a big-ass house.

"Thank you, Roman." I said quietly.

"For what?" he wanted to know as he got out and walked to my side to open the door for me.

"For being so understanding. There are a lot of men who would have turned around on the spot and run so fast that only a cloud of dust would have been left of them." I explained to him.

"Well... I'm certainly not like most men, baby girl. And it takes two people to make a baby." he replied as he locked the car and handed me the keys.

Then he took my hand again. So we walked to the house, which he then quickly unlocked. I still couldn't believe how huge this place was.

"Do you want something to drink? Some tea maybe? I can cook us something if you want?" he then said.

"You can cook?" I asked, looking up at him.

I saw that he was blushing a bit as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. It was really adorable.

"Well... not really honestly. But I can try." he then confessed.

"It's okay, Roman. We can maybe make something together later. Let's talk first." I replied with a little laugh.

"Okay. I'll get you something to drink first though. Make yourself comfortable." said Roman and then walked with quick steps in the direction where I assumed the kitchen was.

I sat down on the big sofa while my eyes wandered around the room. He really had a great style. You had to hand it to him. A lot of men didn't put such effort into their homes.

"Here. Let me know if you need anything else." he said as he handed me a bottle of water.

"Thanks. So... I forgot to ask you the most obvious question.... Do you want me to have the baby?" I asked even though I was sure I knew the answer.

Still, it was something we had to talk about. I was sure from the first moment that there was no scenario in which I could imagine not having the baby, but maybe there was an argument I hadn't considered.

"First of all, this is your decision. It's your body, after all. But I'm sure you wouldn't have told me if you had chosen to have an abortion. Right? But that's not what you meant.... In my opinion, there's no reason not to have the baby. We are both adults and well... you know..." he replied a little awkwardly.

But I knew what he was referring to. We weren't a couple, but it wasn't like I had been raped or was still a teenager or that neither I nor he could afford a baby.


Roman POV

"Yeah, I see what you mean." said Cassia as she put a hand on her stomach seemingly subconsciously.

We talked for quite a while and then decided to order some food. I had to admit that despite the elephant in the room, it was so nice to spend time with her. I still liked her as from the first moment. Even more. And I was sure that she had come into my life for a reason.

It would not be easy. Especially when I thought of my mother and the rest of the family, but it would all work out.

At some point it got pretty late. Cassia dozed off on the couch. Curled up like a cat, she lay there with a little smile on her lips. I took the last piece of pizza from her hand before taking a blanket and spreading it over her. I sat down in front of her on the coffee table. For a few minutes, I just looked at her. I reached out and wiped a strand of hair from her forehead before leaning in to give her a kiss on the hair.

Deep inside I was glad that I had met her again today. But when I thought about what the reason was, suddenly anger boiled up in me.

I picked up the dishes to take them to the kitchen. When I got there, I pulled out my phone and dialed a number I swore I would never dial again. But she deserved to feel my anger.

"Well, hello Mr. Reigns. I wasn't expecting to hear from you today. Are you feeling lonely?" I heard Gail's voice say.

"Quite the opposite. I just want to ask you one question. How dare you just answer my phone and then block even an important number?" I growled.

"I don't know what you mean." she replied, trying to sound innocent.

"Stop playing dumb! You know damn well what I mean." I said as I had to restrain myself from screaming.

"Fine... It was an unknown number and I thought it was just a creepy fan who got a hold of your number. No big deal. You should thank me for protecting you, you know..." she replied.

"Because of you, I almost missed the chance to be part of what will be the most important thing in my life! Thanks to you, I wasn't there for the first look- nevermind. You better hope and pray you haven't screwed up anything else," I said, and then hung up.

I was not there to see my child for the first time. I quickly pulled the ultrasound photo out of my pocket and stared at it again. This right here, this little bean, was a part of me and I had already missed an important step. This would not happen again.

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