25 A little secret

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Cassia POV

Humming I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. My hands slid slowly over the fabric of my shirt before they eventually paused on my stomach. A smile formed on my face as I noticed that a very small bump was already visible. But I was probably seeing things that weren't there or that I just wished were.

I felt good, despite the persistent morning sickness. Unfortunately, the medications the doctor had prescribed for me didn't help for particularly long. The heartburn was not pleasant either. Still, I happily accepted it all as long as our baby was doing well.

Next week I was scheduled for my 12 week ultrasound. I prayed every day to make it past this mark, because I had the feeling or rather the hope that it would help my tension a lot if I made it past this point in the pregnancy. Of course, at any time something unforeseen could happen.... But I tried not to think about it. That was, as Roman said, not the right attitude. So you could say that I was a little bit torn as far as emotions were concerned.

In addition, I couldn't wait to tell our families and friends. We especially wanted to share our happiness with the grandparents. Okay, with the rest of the grandparents. Because my mother already knew because I had blabbed when she offered me a glass of wine at our girls' night out. That was also why I was basically hiding from Roman's mom for the past few weeks. I found one excuse after another why I didn't have time. Because I was very sure that she just had to look at me like the first time and then she would know.

The woman had magic powers. Maybe we should let her work at the fair. She would certainly be a hit if she could tell women whether they were expecting a baby or not. 

Slowly I turned again and again from one side to the other. My eyes were still fixed on my belly when suddenly a big, so warm hand laid over mine. I lifted my head and looked in the mirror and was met by Roman's proud gaze. He then rested his chin on my shoulder before pressing a kiss against my neck.

"How are my favorite people today?" he asked softly.

"We're fine right now. I just took the medication. Hopefully I can make it through the vet appointment without throwing up. Oh and the drive of course. Everything packed?" I replied as I leaned against him.

"Yeah... Are you sure you want to take me to the airport? I can drive by myself if it's all too stressful for you." he then said.

"I'm fine, Ro. Really. And it's on the way to the vet. That way I can spend more time with you." I explained as I turned in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"That sounds good. But don't forget to call me as soon as you get to the vet and when you get to Hannah's." he said before giving me a little kiss on the nose.

"I promise. Big scout's honor." I said, trying to sound serious but failing all the way.


"Don't look at me like that... it was just a little shot. You'll get a big treat when we get to the car, Butt-Butt." I said to the pouting dog in my arms.

Buttons was offended because she had gotten a vaccination at her check-up. She didn't like it at all and probably would resent the vet forever. I couldn't blame her. I didn't like shots myself, but it was for her own good.

"Cassia? Hello, Cassia!" I suddenly heard someone call behind me and recognized the voice immediately.

It was Patricia. Oh boy... Try to act normal, girl...I thought.

"Oh Pat, hi! How are you?" I asked as I turned around and she was already standing in front of me.

"Sweetie, I'm doing excellent! How are you? Where have you been the last few weeks? Are you avoiding me?" she asked after hugging me and taking Buttons out of my arm to cuddle with her.

"I'm fine. I've just been so busy, you know? With work. And with Buttons, of course." I replied.

"Uh-huh..." she said, narrowing her eyes as she looked at me closely.

I was immediately aware that I couldn't fool her. She knew it. I was quite sure of that.

"Okay... just say it." I said then, surrendered.

"You're pregnant! I knew something was up. I'm so happy for you guys. And don't worry. I won't tell anyone until you want to share. Congratulations." she replied before hugging me again and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

Somehow I was relieved. At least now I could call her if I had any questions. And besides, I was toying with the idea of telling Hannah today as well. I mean... what was one week more or less when it came to the best friend.

I couldn't wait to see our kids play together. Hopefully they would get along. Random thoughts that went through my head just then.


"Hello you wonderful, radiant creature! You look so beautiful. And hello to you too my little friend. This is your Auntie Cassia and she loves you so much." I said as I hugged Hannah before bending down to press a kiss to her adorable baby bump.

By now she was almost 6 months along. Time was moving so fast. I couldn't wait to meet her little man.

"Thank you Cass! I have missed you so much. How are you and your man doing? Everything okay?" she asked as she took my hand and we walked into her kitchen together.

"You have no idea how much I miss you. But I'm sure it won't get any easier to see us. Roman and I are doing well. Very well, to be honest. But we've been keeping a little secret." I said as I reached into my bag and slid something across the table to her. It was an ultrasound photo.

"Cassia! Oh my god! Congratulations!" she whispered as she immediately started crying.

"I know... your little man is getting a best friend around the same age." I replied as I also started bawling and walked over to her.

Then we just held each other in our arms. Overwhelmed by feelings.... and hormones equally. 

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