41 Let's go

328 22 14

Cassia POV

"Good night, my little angel. Mommy loves you." I said to my daughter as Ro held her in his arms to put her to bed.

She looked at me tiredly as I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Daddy loves you too. Sweet dreams." said Roman as he too gave her a kiss before laying her down and tucking her in.

Her head had barely touched the pillow before our little one was asleep. I sighed as I reached for my husband's hand and we left the room together. I had one hand on my rather large baby bump as we made our way downstairs together.

I was so tired. But above all, very drained from the pregnancy. The heat and the fact that I was already two days past my due date didn't help my mood in the least. Our little man seemed to be in anything but a hurry.

"How are you feeling, baby girl?" my husband asked me as he held my hand.

Mom was sitting in the living room reading on her iPad. The way her glasses just sat on the tip of her nose, I was surprised they didn't fall off. Buttons was lying on her lap like she usually did with me. She loved to be cuddled while she slowly dozed off.

"Everything hurts. I feel like a beached whale, if I'm honest," I replied as I reached for my water bottle that was sitting on the coffee table.

"You hear that little man? Maybe it's time to get going." Roman said as he leaned over to talk to the baby through my skin.

Then he pressed a kiss against it before straightening back up. I couldn't help but giggle. He was really cute and so excited to meet his son.

"Nice try. But that didn't work the last 10 times either." I giggled as I put my hand to his cheek.

"Why don't you two go swimming? It'll cool you down and relax you at the same time." suggested Mom as she looked up at me.

"That sounds really tempting. What do you say, Ro? Shall we go for a swim?" i asked him.

"Anything you want, Mommy." he replied, then gave me a kiss on the nose.


"God.... that feels really good." I sighed as I just let myself float in the water.

I should have done this a lot more often. Because I felt light, so light...almost like I was weightless. The water was just the right temperature. And the sight of my husband in swimming shorts didn't hurt in the least.

"I bet it does. Now you feel just like our boy. Can you blame him for not wanting to come out?" he chuckled.

"At the moment, not one bit." I laughed.

"He'll come when he's ready, baby girl. I know you're exhausted, but there's nothing we can do but wait. And you know I'd do anything for you to help." he replied as he slid his arms under my body and gently guided me through the water.

"I know... I guess I'm just impatient," I said.


The next morning I was just standing in the bathroom getting undressed because I wanted to take a shower. But suddenly I felt something running down my legs. I took a step back before looking at the floor. It was wet and immediately I knew that the moment had come.

I quickly threw a towel on the floor so that I didn't accidentally slip. Then I went under the shower to wash myself. Now I even had one more reason to do that.

When I was done, I wrapped myself in a big towel and went into the bedroom to get dressed. Then I made my way to Roman. He was in Cosima's nursery getting her ready for the day. It seemed like he was discussing with her which shirt she wanted to wear.

"The pink shirt or the purple shirt, Buttercup?" he asked her, holding the shits in front of her face.

Cosi thought about it for a moment. She had her head cocked to the side. This was something she had learned from Buttons.

"Pink!" said our daughter, pointing to the matching shirt.

"Ro?" I said to get his attention.

"Yes, baby girl?" he replied, looking at me over his shoulder as he dressed the little one.

"My water broke. It's time." I explained to him.

"Oh... okay... Let's go. Cosi will be a big sister soon!" he said as his eyes got all big as he realized what I had just said.

He picked Cosi up in his arms and then came over to me.

"Sissy..." my daughter said and smiled at me.

"That's right, angel," I replied, stroking her cheek just as I felt the first contraction.

Then we slowly made our way downstairs. Mom took Cosima in her arms while she looked at me in a mixture of pride and concern.

"I love you, little one. Be a good girl for Grandma. And the next time we see each other, you'll meet your brother." I said and leaned forward so she could give her a kiss.

"Bye Mama, bye bye Dada." she said after her daddy gave her a kiss too.

She waved to us as Roman took my suitcase and we headed to the hospital. 


"Very good, Mrs. Reigns. A little more." the doctor said as I pushed.

It had been many, many hours by now. And by the color of the sky, it was just before sunset. In summer, of course, that meant it was already late in the evening.

I squeezed Roman's hand while he kept whispering encouraging words to me. But that didn't help a bit at the moment, because this baby had just as big a head as our daughter. And seemed just as stubborn.

"You're almost there." the doctor then said as I was gasping for air.

That was the motivation I needed at that moment. Because it meant that I was so close to being able to hold my son in my arms.

A few seconds later we heard it. The strong voice of our baby. The doctor wiped his little face before placing him on my chest. When I saw him for the first time, I immediately realized that this tiny creature looked just like his sister.

"Hi Ray-Ray." I whispered as I used his nickname.

"Look at him, baby girl..... He's perfect. Thank you. I love you guys." said Roman softly as we looked at our miracle together.

"We love you too." said I, lifting my head.

Our lips met in a sweet kiss. Roman then gave me another kiss on the forehead. He looked as proud as I did.

"Why is his neck so red?" asked Roman suddenly.

I saw what he meant, but before I could say anything or panic, the nurse explained.

"This is nothing you need to worry about. It's what's called a stork bite. It will disappear by itself in the next few months. People say that a baby born with a stork bite was kissed by the angels before entering the world. Isn't that beautiful?" she replied.

"Indeed it is," I whispered as tears welled up in my eyes.

I knew, and I knew Ro felt the same way, that our baby in heaven would always be there for us. And through their little brother had given us a sign.

"What's the little guy's name?" the nurse then asked.

"Rayden Jacob Reigns." said Roman and I loved the sound of the name so much more when he said it.

I gave little Rayden a kiss on the head before sinking into the pillows exhausted but happy. Now I couldn't wait to get home and introduce Cosima to her brother. She would love him. I was sure of it. And Miss Buttons had someone else to play with. Well... in a while anyway.

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