26 Dream

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Cassia POV

I knew I was asleep and yet it was so beautiful that I wished for nothing more than for this dream to become reality. Maybe one day.

The loud, happy giggle that reached my ears was music to me. I looked up and saw Roman running across the lawn in the garden chasing a little boy. Buttons was there too. She barked happily as she tried to keep up with the two. But with her short legs, she didn't really succeed.

"Come on, Daddy, catch me!" The child called out as he looked over his shoulder.

Just at that moment Roman had caught up with him and took his son, who squealed loudly, in his arms. The pride in his eyes was so beautiful. And it made me so proud and in love to see him like that. It showed me a side of him that I always knew was there. 

"Did your daddy catch you, baby?" I asked laughing as I walked up to the two.

"He got lucky." the little guy said before Roman started tickling him.

"Cheeky boy." chuckled Ro as he set him back on his feet and he then got busy with Butt-Butt.

"I love seeing you two together." said I as I took his hands in mine.

"I love it too. You have no idea how much, Mrs. Reigns." He replied and then gave me a long kiss.

Even in my sleep, I couldn't help but smile when I heard those words. What a beautiful thought that was...to be able to marry this wonderful man maybe one day.

"Ouch, damn.... Buttons drop that! Stay!" suddenly I heard Roman's voice shouting in a whisper. 

But it was not the Roman in my dream. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, unwilling to let go of the great dream yet. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Yawning, I opened my eyes and saw my man rubbing his knee as he chased Buttons around the living room. Had he hurt himself or something?

"Ro? Are you okay?" I asked after yawning.

"Oh hi baby girl. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. It's just that Buttons has something in her mouth that fell out of my pocket." he replied just as he grabbed her and pulled the little something out of her mouth.

"What was it?" I wanted to know.

"Oh... um nothing important. Just a piece of wrapping I was going to throw in the trash. I didn't want her to swallow it." he explained to me and put the dog back on the floor.

Buttons snorted briefly and then came to me. I could tell she was slightly miffed. Also, I wondered why Roman was so weird when he went into the kitchen to wash his hands.

"How was your nap? Are you excited about later?" he asked as he walked over and sat down next to us.

"Pretty nervous actually." I replied.

Today was the day of the next ultrasound and I had barely slept during the night. Roman held me in his arms the whole time while one hand drew little circles on my belly. Again and again he repeated his soothing words until I finally fell asleep, exhausted.

"The bean is fine. I promise you. How can I distract you a little?" he said as he looked deep into my eyes.

His gaze literally glowed as he pulled me deeper into his spell. I could feel the heat rising in my face.

"I... well... I think you know what can distract me," I said shyly.


"All right. Do you have any more questions?" he asked Doctor.

"No. I just want to see our baby to make sure everything is okay."

I said as I got ready for the ultrasound.

"I can understand that. Let's get started then." he replied.

Roman held my hand tightly while he sat next to me. I had closed my eyes and tried to breathe deeply and evenly. But it was not easy.

"Here is your baby. Everything looks very good. Even a little bigger than average." the doctor then explained.

Now I could not wait any longer. I opened my eyes and looked at the monitor. There was our little bean and I could see it moving. That calmed my nerves a little.

"What about the heartbeat?" asked Roman just as I was about to do that.

"Here we go." the doctor replied.

The strong, steady heartbeat of our rainbow baby echoed through the room. Immediately, tears of relief ran down my cheeks. This was the moment I had been waiting for so long.

"Everything is fine. And you're almost through the first trimester. The baby makes a strong, very healthy impression." said the doctor.

I was already breathing much easier. And one look at Roman showed me that he felt the same way. Although he had always tried to be strong for me, it had also weighed heavily on him. Now that we were almost through the first trimester and the odds were getting better, I was feeling so much happier. And I could hardly wait to hold this baby in my arms.

Maybe it was the little boy from my dream? Or maybe a little princess who will adore her daddy above all else.... Whatever our angel was, he or she was already so loved.

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