35 Our life together

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Roman POV

With hands trembling with nervousness, I straightened my bow tie before taking another close look at myself in the mirror. I wanted to look perfect for Cassia. Even though she always said I was looking incredibly handsome even without trying.

Today was finally the big day. I was finally allowed to marry my beloved. Then we would all have the same last name. Just like a family should.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. Knowing who it was I hurried to open the door.

"Hi Mom and hi my little rainbow! Was she a good girl?" I said as Mom stood at the door with Cosima in her arms.

The little girl reached out to me. I took her from her grandmother's arms. She looked so adorable. In her little white dress. Cosima cooed and babbled happily.

"Yes she was. I think she knows it's a very special day for her mommy and daddy. We should get started then. Everything is ready." replied Mom.

"Good idea. Have you checked on Cassia? Is she okay?" I asked as we headed out together.

"She's at least as excited as you are. And by the way, son... I'm very proud of you." mom then said before placing a hand on my cheek.

"Thanks mom. For everything." I replied and then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She then made her way to the main part of the church where she joined the family and our friends.

I waited with Cosima for a few more minutes until it was my turn. With our daughter in my arms, I slowly walked down the aisle toward the altar. Cosima seemed to enjoy the whole thing. Because she squealed the whole time, much to the delight of our guests.

When we arrived at the very front, I turned in the direction from which Cassia would come towards us. And as the music began to play my heart immediately began to beat much faster.

The big doors opened and there she was. My beautiful bride on the arm of her father. And my goodness did she look breathtaking. Just as I had expected and yet so much more beautiful. She looked like an angel. Once again, her mere presence was like I was struck by lightning.

When they arrived in front of us, I held Cosima in my left arm as her grandfather shook my free hand firmly. With a meaningful nod, I let him know how grateful I was for his daughter and that I would always take good care of her and our family.

Cassia had a dazzling smile on her face as she stood before me. Slowly she leaned forward and gave Cosima a kiss on the forehead. Then her mother came to take the little girl in her arms. She didn't quite like it, but it only took a short time for her to calm down again.

Then it was time. The pastor began the ceremony. It were the familiar, old words that so many marriages had begun with and so many people had heard before. But never had they made so much sense as now when they were spoken for us.

"And now Cassia and Roman would like to say in their own words how much they mean to each other. Roman. Would you like to begin?" he then said.

"Cassia, my beautiful Cassia. You came into my life when I least expected it. And I'm glad I met you again after our fateful first meeting and a misunderstanding. You are without a doubt the love of my life. You are so strong and full of love. All I have to do is look at you and my day is instantly so much brighter.

Your charm, class, creativity and sense of humor make you the person I want to share my life with. And if that wasn't incredible enough, you also made me a father. You carried our little Cosima Grace inside of you and brought her into this world for me to love and adore you both.

I love you, Cassia. More and more every single day, every minute and second. And I promise you that I will continue to love you. I will protect you and Cosima forever. My world is not complete without you." I said as I looked deep into her eyes.

"Cassia, what would you like to say to Roman?" asked the priest.

"There are so many things I want to tell you, Roman. Starting with that I am so proud to have you wonderful, devoted and smart man by my side and to call you husband from today on.

Before we met, Hannah had made it her mission to find me a match. But as it turns out, all I had to do to meet the man of my dreams was turn around. I may have ruined your shirt, but at the same time I changed both of our lives forever.

Loving you is easier and more inevitable than breathing. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know that together we can leave all obstacles and pain behind us. You, my love, are everything I have ever wished for. You are strong, charming, loyal, reliable, understanding, funny, loving and so much more.

I love you, Roman. I love you for the way you make me feel. I love you for letting me be me. I love you for the way you love our daughter and I love you for wanting the same future as I do," Cassia said with sparkling eyes.

Shortly after, it was time to exchange rings. I placed her wedding ring on Cassia's finger and it fit just as perfectly as her beautiful engagement ring. I smiled at her with pride.

"Do you, Roman, take Cassia to be your lawful wedded wife?" the priest asked meanwhile.

"I do," I said.

Then she slipped my ring onto my finger. Finally. The sign that officially bound me to the woman of my dreams.

"Do you, Cassia, take Roman to be your lawful wedded husband?" he asked her.

"I do." she said as she looked deep into my eyes.

"Now that Roman and Cassia have declared their love for each other, I now pronounce them husband and wife. Roman, you may kiss your bride." he said.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I took her face in my hands and leaned down to her. Our lips touched gently. Our guests cheered and we heard the enthusiastic squeals of Cosima.

Cassia laughed while she took our daughter in her arms. The little one snuggled up to her mommy as we made our way down the aisle and into our life together.

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