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Cassia POV

"Okay, come on, Butt-Butt." I said to my little princess as I took her out of the car and put her on the ground so she could run around.

This little dog lady had taken my heart by storm. Well, actually not only mine.... Roman's too, of course, even though I could tell he was a bit jealous of Buttons every now and then when she got between us or nudged his hand away.

I walked with her a few steps towards the arena before pulling out my phone to call my boyfriend. He had no idea we were visiting. Hopefully he had time at all. But I figured it was time to see him at work. In all these months it just didn't work out. Apart from his cousins, I didn't know anyone he worked with. After I got better physically and especially mentally, I had a lot of work to catch up on. And then Miss Buttons came into our lives. In the beginning she needed a lot of attention and training. Because she was a sassy bundle of energy.

But now that she was a few months old I wanted to see how she behaved during a flight. That was important so that I could visit Roman more often. Because I missed him very much. Especially when he was away for more than a few days.

Besides, there was something we really needed to talk about. I really tried not to freak out, but that didn't change the fact that I was terrified. I couldn't wait another week.

I waited impatiently until Roman finally answered the phone. The sound of his voice alone calmed me down a little, but still not completely.

"Hi baby girl! How's my favorite girl and fur ball?" he asked happily.

"Oh we're fine. I miss your beautiful face. That's why we decided to visit you." I said.

"Really? You're here?" he asked, surprised.

"Yep. Do you have time to get us in?" I replied with a laugh, even though I didn't really feel like it.

"Of course. Be right there!" he said.

And it really didn't take long for him to show up. When Buttons saw her daddy she started barking excitedly and spinning in circles. Roman picked me up and hugged me tightly. I think it was safe to say he missed us just as much.

"This is a great surprise." He whispered in my ear before looking me in the eye and giving me a very needed kiss.

"That was the point," I said, but then the little Miss demanded his attention.

Roman picked Buttons up to cuddle her. Even though she had grown quite a bit in the last few months, she still looked tiny in his arms.

"Come on in. I can't wait to introduce you to everyone." he then said, taking me by the hand before basically dragging me into the arena.

He was so excited and joyful. It was adorable. I tried not to let on how nervous I was to meet his friends and colleagues. My shy nature had never enjoyed meeting many strangers at once. But of course, my Roman was a fantastic support.

It actually went so well. Everyone was super nice and happy to meet me. Apparently Roman had already told his friends a lot about me. They also immediately took Butt-Butt into their hearts. I couldn't blame them, she was the cutest.

Even when Roman had meetings, it was easy for me to talk to the other women. And I could tell that everyone here, for the most part anyway, was one big family.

"Cassia, girl! How are you?" I heard a voice say.

It was Jey. He hugged me tightly before bombarding me with questions. He was a really funny guy. I had met him and his brother a few times before and the two of them were real jokers. I loved how they teased each other and Roman. Like siblings. Even though Roman didn't like it when they told me any embarrassing stories.


"How do you like it here in our little backstage world?" Roman asked me when we finally had some time to ourselves.

Buttons was just sleeping on a pillow next to us as we sat on the sofa in the locker room. Roman had pulled me onto his lap and was gently stroking my back.

"I think it's great. Everyone's been really nice to me. But I'm glad we got a few minutes to ourselves," I replied.

"I know... I'm glad you're here, baby girl. I could get used to having you with me." he said as he brought his mouth closer to mine.

I kissed him slowly. I soaked up every touch. With a little sigh, I put my hand to his cheek and waited for him to look at me.

"You know I love you, right?" I said softly.

"I do and you know what? I love you too." replied Roman and was about to kiss me again, but this time I stopped him.

"I have to tell you something, Ro.... Promise me you won't freak out because I'm already freaking out." I said so quietly that it was probably hard for him to understand me.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" he asked, concern clearly written all over his face.

"I might be pregnant again," I replied.

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