20 Buttons

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Cassia POV

The months passed and I could say that I was doing much better than I could have expected. The pain was still there when I thought about how far along I would be right now. And I was sure that my due date would cast another dark cloud over me as well as Roman. But it was easier for me to deal with it now.

At the moment I was relieved to get off the plane. It had been a long week without Roman. First he had been away for work and for the last two days it had been me. I couldn't wait to see him.

So as I waited for my luggage I decided to call him to see how my man was doing. Luckily for me, it didn't take long for him to answer.

"Hello my almost birthday girl." he said in his deep voice.

"Hi you gorgeous man. I just landed and wanted to hear how you were doing.... Are you home?" I asked as the first suitcases arrived. 

I kept a watchful eye out, but didn't see mine yet.

"I'll feel better when I can hold you in my arms, baby girl. And I hope you get out of here real quick." he replied.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"I'm in the arrivals hall to take my girl home." he explained to me.

"Aww really? You're such a great man, Ro!" I replied when I finally saw my suitcase.

"What can I say, Cassia? You bring out the best in me. Now move that sexy butt of yours. We have places to be." said Roman and I could clearly hear the smirk in his voice.

I didn't even have to ask him what he meant. The tone of his voice told me where his thoughts were heading. Not that I could blame him... Quite the opposite. Therefore, I grabbed my luggage as fast as I could and made my way to Roman.

He stood a little bit aside in order not to draw attention to himself. Nevertheless, my searching eyes found him immediately. With quick steps I ran into his arms. I wrapped mine around his neck as he pulled me tightly against him.

"Missed you..." I say softly into his ear.

"Missed you too." he replied before giving me a loving kiss.


"Oh your mom is here? That's so nice. I feel like I haven't seen her in forever." I said as we arrived home and I immediately saw Patricia's car parked in the driveway.

I had expected to be alone with a handsome boyfriend. But I guess that had to wait a little longer now.

"Baby... It's not just my mom." replied Roman with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" I wanted to know as he helped me out of the car.

"Oh you'll see. Go on in. The luggage can wait." he said.

I looked at him questioningly for a moment, but then did as he told me. Slowly I opened the door and went inside. But at first I saw no one. And it was way too quiet.

"Keep walking, baby girl." he encouraged me as he gently nudged me forward toward the garden with one hand at the small of my back.

"Happy Birthday!" cheered many different voices as soon as I pushed the door open.

"Oh my God!" I shrieked as I slapped my hands over my mouth in surprise.

"I figured this was the perfect opportunity to give you a surprise birthday party," Roman said from beside me.

"You really are something. I love you." I replied as I hugged him again.

"I love you too and Happy Birthday." he said and then quickly gave me a kiss before my attention was demanded by the guests.

Everyone was there. My parents and friends. Hannah had the biggest grin on her face of all. And then of course many of Roman's huge family. There was cake and many other goodies. We laughed, talked and danced when we weren't busy eating and drinking. It was the best hours leading up to a birthday I've ever had.

I could hardly believe my luck. I was so touched and enjoyed this day to the fullest. It was far too rare to be able to spend time with all your loved ones. I couldn't count how many times I had simply hugged and thanked Roman during those hours. It was that often. But to be honest, he was the only thing I was truly thankful for on that birthday.


Roman POV

The next morning, Cassia's actual birthday I snuck out early to get her present. Hopefully she would like it. I was a little nervous, I had to admit. But all in all I had a good feeling.

When I got back to the bedroom she was still sound asleep. A little smile on her lips as she held her pillow. I put her present down before leaning in close to her.

"Good morning, birthday girl. Wake up. The sun is shining." I said softly as I brushed some hair out of her forehead.

"Why are you licking my nose, Ro? It's too early for that." she breathed, not quite awake yet as she wiped her face.

"I'm not.... maybe you should open your eyes, baby girl." I replied with a laugh.

I watched as Cassia finally opened her eyes and immediately squealed like a little kid when she saw the cutest puppy with a big red bow around their neck sitting next to her on the pillow.

"Oh my goodness!" she squealed and picked up the little bundle in her arms.

The still nameless puppy immediately licked her nose again, not fazed one bit by the loud noise.

"Who are you, you little darling? You're as cute as a button!" she gushed joyfully.

"This is your present. It's a little Yorkshire terrier girl. I thought it would be nice for you to have company while you're working and when I'm not around. I think she'll fit in well with our family." I explained as I petted the little fur ball.

"Thank you, Roman! Thank you so so so much. I love her! And I love you so much." she replied as she slid closer to me to give me a kiss.

"I love you too. Obviously. What are you going to call the young lady?" I asked as I watched the puppy snuggle up to her neck.

"Oh I don't know.... She's so little... what do you think of Buttons? Are you our little Buttons?" replied Cassia, holding her in front of her.

Immediately there was an almost approving little bark. And I think it was safe to say that Miss Buttons liked her name and her new family.

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