8 That's a lot

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Roman POV

Did I just hear that right? I was asleep, wasn't I? I was asleep and it was all a dream. Somebody pinch me, please. But quickly my head started to work again. It was true. We were really standing here in the middle of the city on the sidewalk. And she had just said....

"You... you... you are?" I stuttered as I tried to get this together.

"Pregnant? Yes... I've known for a few days." replied Cassia and I saw her tears coming.

She quickly wiped them away probably hoping I didn't see it, but I did. Only I didn't know how to react to it. It was as if my whole body had come to a complete stop.

"But... And we..." I muttered.

"I know. And don't worry about it. I don't expect you to be happy about it or anything. I'm still in total shock myself. And please believe me, I don't expect anything from you or whatever. The last thing I want is for you to think that I planned this to trick you or something.

It's my responsibility. And if you don't want anything to do with us, then I can understand that. After all, it was my birth control that didn't work. I realize that's a lot now." she replied.

"Listen... that's... that's really a lot. But just tell me this... would you have ever told me?" I wanted to know.

I looked deep into her eyes as I waited for an answer.

"I don't know. Honestly, I haven't thought about it yet. But now you know, and you have a lot to think about yourself. I probably should go now. It's a long drive and it's getting late." replied Cassia.

"Now wait a minute. You can't drop a bomb like that on me and then just leave. We have to talk about this, don't we?" I said.

"I know that... But I don't think it's appropriate here in the middle of the street. And I'm not doing so great. Ideas?" asked Cassia then.

And when I looked at her closely I saw that she didn't look very well. Almost like she was nauseous. Which made sense.

"Let's go to my place. I took my car to the mechanic. So... Do you have your car nearby?" I wanted to know.

"Yes, in the parking garage down the street," she replied as she pointed in that direction.

Not knowing what to do or say, I took her hand in mine and together we walked in the direction she had indicated. That alone, holding her hand like that, was a nice feeling. But it did little to change the confusion inside me.

"Have you been to the doctor yet?" I asked as the silence between us became too much.

"I was. Yesterday, actually." she replied, then withdrew her hand from me to get something from her purse.

Cassia held out a picture to me. With slightly trembling fingers I took it in my hand and marveled at the little something on it that looked like a bean. Warmth suddenly flowed through me.

"Wow... Is everything okay with the little bean?" I asked without taking my eyes off the ultrasound.

"It is. Although I don't know much more of what the doctor said because I was a sobbing mess." she replied.

Then we continued walking until we arrived at the parking garage. She paid her parking ticket and then led me to the floor where she had parked.

"Do you think you could drive?" asked Cassia to me.

"Sure. Do you need anything? You look a little green." I replied.

"No, better not. Not before the drive. It would all come back up." She admitted and gave me a small smile.

She gave me the key and then went over to the passenger side where she got in. I adjusted the seat to fit behind the wheel before getting in as well.

"Roman?" I heard Cassia say softly.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I'm sorry I assumed the worst. I was just so hurt and let's be honest.... we don't know each other well... but I still shouldn't have assumed it was your intention to ghost me." she explained to me.

"I mean... I can understand how that must have affected you. And I can assure you that I would never do anything like that. You'll learn that I'm the type of guy who says what he thinks and acts like it.

Right now I am totally overwhelmed by everything you have told me. But it is important to me that we talk about it. Like adults. Because... as unexpected as this baby thing is... It's not just about us..." I replied as I started the car and pulled out of the parking spot.

At the moment, I was functioning almost as if on autopilot. I had no idea why I was so calm. Nor did I have any idea what the hell was going to happen next or how this was going to work at all.

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