31 Any day now

441 24 14

Cassia POV

With a big smile on my face, I packed the last of the freshly washed clothes for the baby into the closet before slowly making my way back downstairs. I had one hand on my belly as I held on to the banister with the other. By now it was quite challenging to climb these stairs. What was especially challenging was that I couldn't see my feet anymore.

I was about to have a snack when the doorbell rang. Was it already time? I hadn't noticed how much time had passed.

As quickly as I could, I went to the door and opened it. Immediately I was greeted by the bright smile of Hannah. She put Elliott in his baby carrier on the floor to greet me.

"Hi Momma! How are you? You guys are already here. How was the ride?" I said as she gave me a hug.

"Hi sweetie. It went faster than expected and we are fine. Aren't we Elliott?" she said as she picked him back up.

"Oh hi Mister Elliott! How is the little charmer? Aren't you cute?" I asked as he grinned at me.

He was such a cute little boy and he looked a lot like his momma. Still hard to believe that soon I would be able to hold my own baby in my arms. Even though there was always this tiny twinge when I thought of the baby we had lost.

Together we went into the living room where we talked. I was holding my godson in my arms and admiring his little fingers when Buttons started barking once again. As usual, she ran anxiously up and down the floor-to-ceiling window and the patio door while barking.

"Buttons, stop it! Come here, baby!" I said, but she didn't react.

"What's wrong with her?" asked Hannah.

"Oh there's that squirrel that always taunts her. She hates it. And the squirrel is really smart. It's always dancing around in front of the window when Butt-Butt is inside, but it's nowhere to be seen when I let her in the garden." I replied as my little one finally gave up and I lay down on my swollen feet.

As always, she was a little offended that she couldn't snatch the squirrel, as I'm sure she would have liked to.

"How are the preparations for the wedding going? Where is your hunk of a fiancé? Didn't you say he was already on paternity leave?" she then asked.

"It's going pretty well. Everything I can already prepare for now anyway. Roman took my car to the mechanic earlier. It's making this weird noise. Ro thinks it might be the transmission. He wants to have it checked out so that nothing happens when I'm out and about with it. Because he knows that I don't like to drive his huge car.

Maybe it's just time for a new car, you know.... My old one is already 10 years old and I can barely get the stroller in the trunk. I should really think about it. Also because it would be safer for the baby. I don't want to be on the go with the little one and break down with the car," I replied.

"That sounds like a good idea. But I don't think it will be that important in the first weeks with little Miss. You'll have more to do than you think. You have to find your routine first and get to know your baby.

And I don't think you'll be able to do it before the baby arrives. After all, it could be any day now. It's important that you relax now and take it slow. Even though I know you don't like it," Hannah said with a laugh.

"Right.... Besides, I have to put the seat back so far anyway that I can't reach the pedals.... The doctor said it would be a while, but Pat said yesterday that it would probably start in the next two days. She said she can see that because my bump has dropped down," I replied as Buttons suddenly jumped up and rushed to the door even though nothing could be heard.

Or at least nothing we could have heard. But I knew by now what it meant when she did that.

"Oh Roman's home." I said as I handed Elliott to his mom and then tried to rise from the sofa.

But it wasn't that easy. It took me a few tries before I succeeded.

"Hi Ro." I said as I met him halfway into the living room.

"Hi baby girl." he said and then gave me a kiss.

"Hi Hannah. Hi Elliott. How are you guys?" he asked as he greeted them both.

"What does the mechanic say? How bad is it?" I asked after the few minutes.

"It's really the transmission. Not much longer and there would have been complete transmission breakdown. They could replace it, but it would far exceed the value of the car." he explained to me while gently rubbing my back.

"Oh... I guess that means I really need to look for a new car. Dang it." I replied.

"Orrrrr...." he began, stretching the word extra long.

"Or what?" I asked suspiciously.

"Or you could just come outside with me, baby girl." he said before grabbing my hand and carefully pulling me behind him.

Hannah accompanied us with her little man in her arms as we walked out the front door. Miss Buttons was excitedly running circles around us and barking. Only this time it had nothing to do with the squirrel.

"Tadaa!" said Roman suddenly.

"I... you... what did you? Roman... what did you do?" I asked, or rather stuttered as I saw what appeared to be a brand new car in the driveway.

"I didn't want you to have to worry about a new car and stress about it. That's why I thought I'd take matters into my own hands. If you don't like it, then of course you can have a different one. But I thought it would suit you," he explained.

"I can't believe it," I replied.

"Do you like it?" asked Roman, starting to look a little worried.

"Of course I do. I love it and I love you." I said before taking his face in my hands and giving him a loving kiss.

"Whew... Thank god for that. Take a look at it. Sit in it." he then said.

"Oh um... I don't think that's a good idea." I replied.

"What, why not? You don't like it after all?" asked Ro in disappointment.

"I do, but.... either I peed myself or my water broke." I said as I looked down at myself in amazement.

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