chapter 1

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I sat alone in the table at dinner looking at my food slowly playing with it and sometimes eating a piece.

Yeah wondering why I sit alone and not with my friends? Well to answer that question , I don't have friends. Once I had a girlfriend named astrid but she dumped me because I couldn't kill a dragon.

Everyone is ashamed of me including my father , well everyone except my mother. She always says that one day I'm going to do something succesfull and find true love.

But to do that here you have to at least kill one dragon , and me? I can't even hurt a fly.

Everyone here makes fun of me for being so weak and my father doesn't do anything about it.

Yeah I exercise , have a six-pack , muscles and brains , but nobody here in Berk cares about that stuff.

My dad did sign me up for dragon training , that's where you learn to kill dragons.

I always wanted to kill a dragon and be noticed by someone.

" why are you alone hiccup? Why don't you go hang with the others? " a voice asked me

I looked over my shoulder and saw gobber. ( A/N: I think that's how you spell it , if not please correct me in the coments ) He's one of my dad's friend and also my working partner.

" I'm better here alone gobber " I answered

" aw come on hiccup , going there won't be the end of the world "

" I don't think they want me there "

" then suit yourself " he said and left

" you okay? " another voice asked me

I looked up and saw ' old man ' , that's what everyone here calls him. Except he's not that old , maybe like 45 or 50.

" I'm fine , thanks for asking " I whispered the last part and looked back at my plate

" look hiccup if you have any problems come to me Kay? I don't bite , my wife and I have been expecting a guy like you "

" a guy like me? What do you mean a guy like me? " I looked up to him

" look... " he didn't finish , instead he looked over my shoulder and sighed " I need to go " he said and left

" wait but.. " he was already gone " you didn't answer me "

" ah son I've been looking for you "

I turned my head to the left and saw my dad stoick , also known as the chief of Berk.

" I've been here all the time "

" oh really? Guess I didn't see you there "

" like always " I mumble

" stop with the mumbuling son , you know I hate it when you mumble. It makes you look weak "

I sigh as I roll my eyes and looked back at my plate.

" what was ' old man ' saying to you? "

" nothing important " I answer not looking away from my plate

And I the truth was that it was very important. I need to know what he meant by a guy like me.

" just don't listen to him , he's crazy. I mean dragons and vikings friends? Ha! The day that happens I'll kiss a sheep " he laughed

" why wouldn't it happen? " I ask

" I mean dragons aren't that bad. They do attack us and all but maybe they do it for a good reason and not a bad one " I add

Everyone in the room gasped and looked at me.

" what? Did I say something wrong? " I ask

I could hear tuffnut and astrid whispering.

" I can't believe you dated him " tuffnut whispered

" ugh me neither , I mean what did I see in that guy? " astrid whispered back

" okay enough with the whispering , I'll just leave " I say as I stand up and walk too the door " since its what you all want me to do " I whisper

As I walk too my house I see a lot of dragons fliying above us , but none of then are attacking?

Every time I see them , they're attacking us or stealing our food.

The only one here who would knew why aren't they attacking us would be ' old man '.

Tomorrow I'm gonna talk with him , I don't care that I have dragon training. I have to find about this first.

As I enter my house I see my mom in the living room reading g a book.

" hey mom "

" hey hicc , how was your day? " she asked me and set down the book on the coffee table we have

" oh well you know the ususal , almost getting burnt by a dragon , everyone ashamed of me , sitting alone at dinner and what not "

She laughed " don't worry , I'm sure that tomorrow morning something different will happen , you'll see "

" I sure hope so " I say as I sat down next to her in the couch

" aw come here " she hugged me

" I promise that one if this day you will do more thing successful , you'll find true love and nobody will be ashamed of you anymore. You just have to be strong okay? For me " she said and looked at me while she removed some bangs off my face

" okay mom "

" okay , now go to sleep "

I laughed a bit " okay "

I kissed her cheek and went upstairs.

I plopped in my bed and it wasn't to long before I fell asleep.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now