chapter 6

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I sat on the table at dinner and seconds later snoutlout , fishlegs , ruffnutt , tuffnutt and astrid were sitting in my table also.

" umm may I help you guys? " I ask

" how did you do it? " astrid asked

" what? "

" kill that gruncle " tuffnutt said

" yeah if none of us could do it , how could you? " ruffnutt said and gasped " were you practicing without us this past two months and that's why didn't you came to training? " ruffnutt asked

" oh please ruffnutt really? Come on use your head " tuffnutt said and smacked his twin sister on the head

" what it could be a possibility " she said while touching where her twin smacked her pretending it hurt

After ruffnutt said that everyone in the table looked at me.

I swallow what I had in my mouth then speak " what? "

" did you train without us this two months? " snoutlout asked

" what!? No! "

" hey hiccup? " astrid asked

" hmm? " I ask with my mouth full

" what's that burn mark on your hand? " astrid asked

I swallowed " t-t-this? " I ask shaking

Let's just say I'm terrible at lying.

" yeah that " she said

I gulped I couldn't just tell oh I got this when I became the rider of my dragon crush and who will hopefully will be my girlfriend in the future.

" what aren't you telling us? " she asked again

" oh my girlfriend and I got this mark so we will always be together , she got it on her arm and I got it on my hand " I lied

" girlfriend!? " the all exclaimed at the same time

" yeah my girlfriend "

" you? A girlfriend? Oh please , he is clearly making this up " astrid said

" no I'm not "

Yes I am

" really then describe her " she said with a smirk on her face

" okay , she has curly platinum blonde hair , blue eyes , pale , rosy cheeks , red lips and her name is elsa "

" I've never seen a girl like that " fishlegs said

" exactly , that's proof that he made her up " astrid said

" I did not made her up! "

" yeah sure whatever you say hiccup , come on guys let's go " astrid said and they all left

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now