chapter 31

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{ the next day }

Elsa and I were running to a cliff.

I was going to propose to her.

" hiccup are we close? "

" almost "

" where are we going anyway? "

" a place that you will love "

" why are we going? "

" you'll see "

" are we there yet? "

" yes "

I took off the blindfold she had on and she gasped.

I putted on a metal table , with a vase with white roses , her favorites , in the middle and two plates of food I made. We were just in time for dawn.

" you like it? " I ask

" she nodded her head and hugged me " this is so beautiful , did you made this your self? "

" of course I did "

" I didn't k ow you could do this " she said sitting down

So did I.

" I'm glad you like it "

" like it? I live it! " she looked at her plate then to me " did you made this food? "

" yep " I say popping the ' p '

" let's see if it tastes good " she ate a piece of everything in the plate and her eyes go wide

She swallowed " wow hiccup this is great , where did you learn how to cook? "

" my mom thought me "

" well then she did a great job "

I chuckle and ate a piece of smash potatoes.

" what's the real reason you brought me here? " she asked

" what , can't I just have a romantic dinner with my girlfriend? "

" this is way to elegant to be a romantic dinner , if it was a romantic you would do something like last time "

Last time I took her to a romantic dinner , I told her to climb the waterfall to a big rock there was separating into going two ways and there we ate.

" so what's the real reason you brought me here? "
" here goes " I whisper

I got up grabbing her hands making her get up too.
" elsa I love you with all my heart , if you jump I jump , if you die I die because I couldn't love without you , you're to special to me , if you see the stars at night I love you more than that , you're my light , my day , my night , my air , my world , you're my everything , if I had to spend one day without you it would be my worst punishment ever and I don't care if you're a dragon and my people will think I'm a traitor , that's why I'm gonna ask you " I get on one knee and show her the ring " will you marry me? "

She had tears in her eyes " hiccup I would love too! "

I smiled and slipped the ring on her finger " I love you elsa "

I gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

" I love you too hiccup "

" we told you stoick , she's a dragon! " I heard someone yell

Out of the bushesmy dad , snoutlout , the twins and fishlegs came to us.

" stay behind me " I whisper to elsa and I go in front of her

" I thought I raised you better than this hiccup " dad said

" you didn't raise me dad , you were ashamed of me all my life "

" you're a traitor hiccup , and that needs punishment " dad said looking at elsa

" don't you dare touch her " I warned

" astrid get her now " astrid came behinde me and grabbed elsa putting a knife at her throat.

That burning sensation came back to my hand , but I ignored it.

" we're gonna kill her at noon and don't worry hiccup , you will be there to watch "

That's all I heard from my dad before I blacked out.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now