chapter 2

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I woke up and headed downstairs.

" mom? You in here? " I ask

" I'm in the kitchen hicc "

I peeked troo the door and saw my mom making breakfast.

" good morning mom " I say as I grab my plate , some orange juice and sit down at the table to start eating

" so you planning on being earley to the dragon academy? "

" uh yeah " I lie

" well then you better eat healthy if you want to.. "

" mom you don't have to say it "

Mom hates saying the words ' fight dragons ' or ' kill dragons ' she also be lives that there could be peace between dragons and vikings.

She smiled at me " okay , just eat and then you can go "

" I'm aweady done " I say with my mouth full

" hiccup! "

I swallow everything that I ate with my orange juice before talking " sorry mom , love you mom bye! " I kissed her cheek and went to the forest where ' old man's ' house is located

I enjoy walking in the forest. I really like the view and the silence , well the silence there is whenever there aren't dragons around.

I have to say from all the places in Berk , this is my favorite.

I spot a small cottage in the middle of a circle of trees and I'm guessing its ' old man's ' cottage.

I go to the door and knock five times.

When I was ready to leave the door opened with ' old man ' smiling from ear to ear.

" ah hiccup I knew you'd come "

" hello umm.. " I trailed off hoping he'd give me his name

" my name's Clarence not ' old man ' "

" then hello Clarence "

He smiled at me " MICHELE HE'S HERE! " he yelled " come in hiccup " he said and moved aside for me to come in

" thanks " I said as I enter the cottage

" come sit " he patted the couch for me to sit and sat on the other couch in front

I nodded my head and sat.

" do you want water or anything? " he asked

" no " I shook my head

" okay then , I want you to meet my wife Michele , she's very excited to meet you "

A woman who looked like the same as Clarence entered the living room. She had black hair and blue eyes.

" hi hiccup I'm Michele , Clarence's wife " she gave me her hand for me to shook and I did

" its nice to meet you Michele "

" well hiccup , I think you have some questions " Clarence said

I nooded my head " what did you mean by a guy like me? "

" let's start with the story " he took a big breath " when I was little your dad and I were friends and your grandfather was in charge. Dragons and Vikings were friends then. But one day we were all having fun and your grandfather the chief started making fun of them. The dragons felt offended and since that day the started attacking us and stealing our food. "

" what does this have to do with my question? " I ask

" calm down I'm getting there. My wife and I want to bring peace back between dragons and vikings. Your mother tried , she met a dragon , they were friends. When your father found out about that he killed the dragon " he took another big breath before looking at me " we've seen you while training , you don't want to kill a dragon. I know you think you can't but the reality is you don't want to , you see like your mom and we do " he smiled " you can bring peace between dragons and vikings "

" but how could I do that? "

" show them that is possible "

" how? "

" find a dragon , train it be friends with it and show vikings there could be peace between dragons and vikings , can you do that? "

" I think "

" that's the spirit , now go "

He pushed me out of the house.

" let's go find a dragon "

I started walking with no direction whatsoever.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now