chapter 33 ( do not read )

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She went to her and started to kick her in the stomach and punch her everywhere.

" stop! " I yelled " please stop! "

Elsa tried to protect herself by putting her hands over her face and stomach.

Astrid pinned her down on the floor. The grin never left her face.

" astrid please don't do this , I'll do anything! " I begged

She looked at me and shrugged " it's to late for that hiccup my dear " she looked back at elsa and stabbed the knife in her stomach.

" NO! "

I fell on my knees , only a tear falling from my eye.
She's really dead.

My breathing got fast and hard.

This can't be happening , this isn't happening , she isn't dead.

Her eyes were close and her chest wasn't moving meaning she really was dead.

" elsa " I whisper

I just lost my fiancé and my child. I will never know if it was a girl or boy , if it would had my hair and her eyes or her hair and my eyes. I would never see her reaction when the baby would have been born , I will never hear her laugh , see her smile , hear her soft and amazing voice or feel her lips and skin again.

My eyes were still on elsa while astrid came to me and started unchaining me.

" aww poor hiccup , lost his future wife and his child " she sighed Ina dramatic way " but uyou k ow I'm always here for you , so you can still come back to me and we van still work things out you know "

Anger came too my body.

She unleashed the last chain and I grabbed her neck and pinned her to the wall in a swift moment.

Everyone gasped , nobody has ever seen me even hurt a God damn fly.

" I will never be with you , I hate you , you're a monster , a soulless , heartless monster " I say to grethed teeth

" elsa! " someone yelled

I let go off astrid and she fell on her knees trying to grasp for air.

I turned around and saw people back up as all the dragons came in they're half human , half dragon form.

Toothless kneeled down beside elsa , the knife still stuck on her stomach.

I came and kneeled down on the other side of her.
I putted my hand on her stomach , slowly getting the knife out. She didn't even flinch.

" why didn't you do anything? " toothless asked

" I was chained to the wall "

" she didn't change. Why? "

" she was preganat with our child "

He looked at me with teary eyes.

" what? "

I sobbed a little " she was expecting a child , our child " I looked at him " I'm sorry "

" I'm sorry too " he said and sobbed more

" elsa! " her sister came with her friends and stood around elsa

Anna kneeled down at her father's side " elsa? " she carresed her sister's platinum blonde hair " elsa please don't leave me , I need you , we all do "

Every dragon around us started crying.

" who did this? " toothless asked troo gritted teeth

I looked at him " stoick and astrid "

Her sister looked at me " the same one who killed cloudjumper "

" and the same one's who has killed thousands of us " his father added

I looked at elsa's dead body. I couldn't take it anymore.

" go , hiccup. I know how much she meant to you and I'm sorry for the lost of your child " toothless said

" I'm sorry too , to all "

After that I went running to my house.

Once inside my house I screamed.

The pain was so much , I can't take it. The pain that's she's dead.

I dropped on my knees and screamed again and kept crying.

" hiccup , what's wrong? "

My mother came and kneeled in front of me.

" my child , elsa. They're gone! They killed them! "

My mom didn't say a word she just cried with me.


The story hasn't come to an end yet , but its coming in one or two chapters.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now