chapter 4

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Two months had passed and elsa and hiccup always meet on their special place at noon.

Stoick has noticed that his son wasn't going to dragon training , he didn't even know where he was going.

He only knew that he left in the morning and would cone back late at night sometimes at 2:00am in the morning of the next day.

He didn't like that , he was going to force his son to go to dragon training whether he liked it or not.

Today I was going to meet with elsa again.

We've becomes best friends since the day she told me I was her rider , so the first day we met.

And the truth is I like her.

I don't care if the people here say I'm a traitor because of that if they find out.

She's told me all of what she knows about dragons. Its really fun hanging out with her.

Last week she let me fly on her back and it was one word awesome!

As I walk downstairs ready to leave I see my father with his arms crossed on his chest.


" hey dad what's up? " I try to hide my nervousness

If he finds out that my best friend and the one I like is a dragon he would ground me for life and he would kill her.

" hey dad what's up? Really? Why haven't you've gone to dragon training hiccup? "

" its just that I think maybe killing dragon its not my thing you know "

" you haven't gone to work either , you just leave in the morning and don't come back until late at night or sometimes 2:00am in the morning of the next day! What have you've been doing on this past two months? "

" nothing , nothing " I lie

" well that nothing is gonna stop now! Tomorrow you're going to dragon training whether you like it or not! And you're not skipping one day of training ever again understand!? "

" but dad I can't- "

" understand!? " he cut me off

" yes I understand " I look down to my feet

How am I going to tell this to elsa?

" good " he said with a stern voice and left

" great , Elsa's going to be devastated " I say to my self

" elsa? What elsa? "

I looked up and saw mom.

" uhh no one mom , just a girl I invented " I lie and laugh nervously

" hiccup I know you're liying to me , tell me the truth "

" the truth? "

She nodded her head.

" okay but you have to promise you won't tell anyone especially dad "

" I promise "

I take a deep breath " okay two months ago I met a dragon , she can turn into a human and everything. Since that day I go into the forest to our special spot and hang out with her but now I don't know how to tell her that I can't see her anymore "

" I know her "

" you do? "

" her father's name is thootless , when I met cloudjumper thootless said that her wife was expecting a child and that they were going to name her elsa "

" so you're not mad? "

" why would I be mad? I can see in your eyes that you like her "

I smiled at my helpful mother " yeah I do "

" I got an idea "

" what idea? "

" you get out of dragon training at night right? "

" yeah "

" so just tell her that you won't see each other at noon , but you will see each other at night and in that way you won't have to stop seeing each other "

I thought for a moment " that actually isin't a bad idea "

" good now go and tell her! "

" yeah I will , thanks mom "

I kissed her cheek and started walking towards the forest.

But first be stopped by astrid , tuffnutt , ruffnutt , fishlegs and snoutlout.

" hey guys " I say a little nervous , this guys could beat me up at any second

" hey hicc " astrid said

" don't call me hicc , only mom and el... Umm only mom can call me hicc "

I almost said elsa.

" only your mom and who? " snoutlout asked

" um nobody , only my mom "

" anyways I heard from your dad that you're coming back to dragon training , am I right? " astrid asked

" yeah I am "

" why did you left anyway? " snoutlout asked

" oh look at the time , got to go , see you tomorrow " I quiqly left and went to the forest

Once I got where vikings couldn't see me in the forest I started running as fast as I could to our special spot.

When I got there I saw elsa in her human form sitting on a rock , her back facing me.

She still has the same white sundress as always and no shoes on , well she never wears shoes , she's always walking barefoot.

" hey hicc "

" how did you know I was here? "

She turned around and came to me " nightfurys can see 50 miles more from where they are and have extra hearing so I could hear you from the center of the forest "

" oh "

" I have news "

" so do I " I say " but you go first "

" okay , I talked to my father and I told him about you and I even told him that valka's your mother , so just to tell you that we can still be best friends without my father wanting to kill you "

" but " I grabbed her hands and putted them around my neck then putted my hands on her hips bringing her more to me making our body's touch " can we be more than friends? " I ask

" hiccup? "

" elsa I wish we could be more than friends. Will you be my girlfriend? "

" hiccup i-i don't know , I don't have the answer now , I can tell you when I have the answer okay? But let's not ruin our friendship while I get my answer okay? "

" okay , but just to tell you , I don't care if you don't have the answer in a million years I will wait a million years if I have to "

She smiled " thanks , for not putting g pressure on me "

" you're very welcome m'lady " I grabbed her hand and softly kissed it earning a giggle from her.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now