chapter 19

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" no , no I haven't " I answer " why? " I ask

" just wondering if he already knew about Elsa " mom said

" maybe he does , maybe he doesn't because practically everyone knows she's my girlfriend , I don't know if dad already found out "

" news spread fast here don't they? " Elsa whispered

" yeah that and it was kinda obvious when you gave me a peck on the lips , a best friends does not do that you know "

She sighed and gave me a short glare " of course I know that "

" well you must be starving , I'll go make something for you two " mom said

" no , no its okay I think I'll make her something , you can go and do whatever you were doing before we got here " I say

Her cooking is tastes horrible. You do not want to taste it.

" you sure , I mean I can prepare something for you two "

" no its okay "

" okay " she headed upstairs

" why'd you did that? " Elsa asked

" do what? "

" send her upstairs , she looked exited for cooking "

" believe me I don't even know if she made this cookies , her cooking tastes horrible "

" it can't be that bad hiccup "

" every time she cooks we have to give it to the dragons and act as if we ate it , then when she goes to sleep we make ourselfs something "

" seriously? "

" yeah you really don't want to taste her cooking "

" okay then " she mumbled

" so what do you want for dinner? "

She shrugged " I don't know , what can you do? "

" anything , I've known how to cook since I was twelve "

" interesting , now I know something new about you "

I smile " let me see what we got here "

I looked on the fridge and saw fish.

Her favorite food.

I took it and putted it on the table.

" how about fish? " I ask

" sure I love it "

I turned around and started preparing the fish " I know "

" hey hicc? " she asked

" hmm? "

" tell me about your father "

" my father? Why would you wanna know about him? "

" well as your girlfriend I wanna know about your family , I already know about your mom , what about your father? "

I give her her cooked fish " well he's- "

" hiccup? Hiccup are you awake? " my father's voice came from the living room

" he's right here " I say " come on " I grab her hand and take her to the living room

" hey dad " I take a bite of my fish

" hey hiccup , who's this? "

" this is Elsa my girlfriend "

" hey " she said

He started laughing.

Elsa gave me a confused look.

" oh hiccup that's funny " he looked at us and saw us not laughing while eating our fishes

" oh wait you're serious " he said

" yeah , I'm really his girlfriend " elsa said

He raised a brow " you and him are an item? "

" yeah "

" how? I mean you're a beautiful did you manage hiccup? "

She giggled.

" excuse me? " I say

" she even more beautiful than astrid....what did he do to you? "

I raise both of my eyebrows.

" he did nothing , he asked me and a couple of days later I said yes " elsa answered

" what did you think when he asked you? "

" I didn't know what to think , one side of me said that I love him and the other said to wait , after a couple of days I revised that I loved him and that he's the perfect guy for me "

He looked at me " you've done good with this one "

" uhh thanks? I guess "

" so elsa where do you come from? "

" I don't know , all I know is that I appears in a beach without remembering anything and hiccup came to help me , and he came every day "

" so she's the reason you didn't went to the lessons for two months "

" now you know the truth " I say

" where will she be staying? "

" well I was thinking she would stay here and sleep in my room because she's my girlfriend and we have no more spare rooms "

" ok but no funny business "

" DAD! "

Elsa and I both blushed.

" okay now go to sleep you two and remember no funny business "

" okay we get it " I say

I grab elsa's hand and take her to my room.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now