chapter 21

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" goodbye hicc " I say as I walk out of the house with valka to buy new clothes

" how did you do that? " valka asked

" do what? " I ask

" make him eat his food. I cheeked the trash can and the sink and there no rest of food "

" oh that , we made a deal that if I ate all of my plate he had to do the same , if not I would have to cook for a week. I ate all of my plate because the food was amazing and he had to do the same "

She laughed " you need to make more deals with him "

" if it prevents him from eating my kind I will "

" I'm sure he didn't mean to eat that , he didn't know "

" I know "

" we're here "

It was a tall wooden shop.

" come one let's buy you some clothes " valka said and dragged me into the store

Everything was leather , literally. Every piece of clothes leather , that's everything you could see of clothes.

" I see you're fans of leather " I say as I look at a shirt

" well yeah , since dragons keep coming and stealing our food and vikings fight them , they decide to wear leather since its resistant to fire same as metal "

" okay so you're a viking , what do you recommend I wear? "

" well we are in the in what we call summer since its quite hot outside in hail and that's a little odd , so I would recommend something not to warm , you know something fresh "

" okay but for me for some reason the cold doesn't bother me , it could be cero degrees outside and I would not feel anything just a little touch of cold "

" must be something about you being a dragon or something "

" maybe , I don't know "

" what do you think about this? "

She showed me a right one sleeved brown leather shirt.

I shook my head " nah "

" okay then " she putted the shirt back " how about this? "

She showed me a elbow high leather shirt with buttons.

I shook my head again " nope "

She sighed " okay " she putted it back

I went and looked troo everything until I found a black corset , brown tight leather pants and black leather boots with black shoe laces.

" valka how about this? " I ask

" you like this? "

" yeah "

" then come on try it on "

I smile " okay "

I went into the fitting room and changed my dress into the clothes I chose.

" you done Elsa? " I heard valka ask from outside the fitting room

" yeah "

I came out of the fitting room.

" how do I look? " I ask

" wow , hiccup's gonna love it " valka said

" are you buying that? " a women with black hair and green eyes asked , I'm guessing the cashier

" yes , yes she is " valka said

" wait but what about the money? I don't have it " I say

" oh don't worry I'll pay for it "

" but valka I can't let you do that "

" oh don't worry , I want to do this "

" thank you "

" your welcome "

" do I have to take it off for you to pay it or... "

" oh no , you can still keep it on "

" okay "

" how much is it? " valka asked the cashier

" $15.98 in total and I can stile your hair for free "

" here you go " valka handed her the money

" do you want me to style your hair? " she asked

" sure " I say

" okay sit here and by the way I'm Linzie "

" nice to meet you Linzie " I sat in the chair

" nice to meet you too Elsa "

She started to style my hair.

" how did you know my name? "

" you're hiccup's girlfriend , basically everyone knows your name "

" oh " I blush ashamed

I didn't knew news here traveled that fast.

" done! " she said

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror they had. My hair's in a French braid. ( like the one in frozen )

" do you like it? " linzie asked

" of course I do "

" you look beautiful Elsa " valka said

" thanks valka "

" so wanna head back to the house? "

" no , I'd like to visit hiccup in his lesson if you don't mind "

" oh no don't worry its okay , the dragon lesson academy is like five minutes straight from here "

" thanks valka "

" no problem "

I smile and left.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now