chapter 11

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As I went inside my jaw dropped.

It was beautiful.

It all looked like an ice cavern.

Dragons fliying everywhere , in all sizes. Big , small , fat , skinny , babies and many more.

They were also many kinds like monstrous nightmares , deadly nadders , stormcutters , gronckles , hideous zippleback , scullcruchers , hotburples and many more.

" breath taking is isn't it? "

I turn around and see thootless.

" hello father " elsa said

" hi thootless "

" hello elsa , hello hiccup , do you like the view? "

" its amazing and beautiful , how did you find this place? "

" hiccup we didn't find it , we built it " elsa said

" how? "

" well thanks to this big guy " thootless said

We walked towards the water and the biggest dragon I've ever seen was there.

He blew up some ice into my hair making it freeze.

Elsa giggled " he likes you " she went up to me and shakes off all of the ice making my hair go back to normal

" els why don't you give your boyfriend a tour? " thootless asked

" how did you know he's my boyfriend? "

" I have my ways "

" is it okay to me to be her boyfriend? " I ask

" yeah , just don't do anything to her or I'll burn you "

" I have no intentions of harming her sir "

" I know , and please call me thootless , sir makes me feel old and I'm just thirty six "

" okay thootless "

Elsa giggled

" what? " thootless and I say in unsion

She giggled again " nothing. Come on let's go start that tour " she grabbed my hand and we started walking

" elsa remember to watch out for jack , he's still pissed! " thootless yelled

" okay dad! " elsa yelled back

" come on I want present you to my friends " elsa said

" where are they? "

" they're right " she looked around " there " she pointed were five dragons on their humans forms were chatting

" let's go! " she said and we runned to them

" elsa!? " they all screamed in unsion and came to hug her

" hey guys " she said as they let go of her

" where were you yesterday? You didn't come to sleep here , I was worried " a strawberry blonde haired girl with blue eyes said

" I stayed the night with my boyfriend at my favorite place "

" Boyfriend? Who is it? Who is it? "

Before elsa could say I talked " me "

They all gasped.

" a viking? Elsa are you out of your mind? Do you know what they did to us? "

" no , no he doesn't kill dragons , he's valka's son , also my rider "

The strawberry blonde haired girl came to me " are you really her rider? "

I nooded my head " yeah I am " I showed her the burn mark on my hand

" its true he really is her rider! " she screamed " oh wait were are my manners I'm anna elsa's sister , this is Kristoff " she pointed to blonde haired guy " that's Rapunzel but call her punzie " she pointed to a long blonde haired girl " thats euegene " she pointed to a brown haired guy " and that's merida " she pointed to a red crazy curly haired girl " but I don't know where jack is , he didn't came back yesterday , but believe me hes really nice "

" unless you disagree with what he thinks " elsa said

" what happened? " anna asked

" he tried to cut my wings and called me a traitor when he found out that a viking was my rider "

" he is so dead when he comes home " merida said

" how could he do that? " anna said

" I don't know , let's forget that and continue with the tour , come on hicc " elsa said

" coming " I say

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now