chapter 25

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I woke up to see a sleeping Elsa at my side.

She must be tired as hell after what we did yesterday. I was tried after we were done.

I watched her body covered with my fur blanket.

She slowly opened her eyes " hey " she said

" hey "

" how long were you awake? "

" like one minute then you woke up "

She giggled " wanna go for a round two? "

" well milady I would love too but I can't "

She pouted " why? "

" gobber said that we had to meet him today at the academy ' cause gothi gonna tell who gonna fight in the final lesson , I think its between astrid and I "

" oh. So are you gonna tell me what's wrong? "

" meet me here at before noon "

" okay "

" see you later els "

I turned around.

" wait "

I turned to her and she grabbed my collar and kissed me. I kissed back.

" see you later hicc " she said after breaking the kiss

" mm-hmm "

After that , I got dressed and headed to the academy.

There gothi waited with gobber at her side and the whole village sat in the bleachers.. I standed with astrid inside the academy.

" okay today gothi will choose between you two who's gonna fight in the final lesson in front of the whole village! " gobber yelled

Wait what? I didn't know the final lesson was in front of the whole village , I thought it was an ordinary lesson.

The whole village started to clap and yell.

" gothi its time for you to choose between astrid and hiccup "

Gothi raised her index finger.

Please not me , please not me , not me , not me.

And she pointed the finger to me.

Odin hates me.

" him? You sure? " gobber asked

Gothi nodded.

" well I guess the winner is HICCUP! "

I sighed in annoyance while the whole village clapped and astrid death glared me.

Once everyone was gone gobber came to me.

" congratulations hiccup , when your father hears the news he's gonna be thrilled! "

I fake smiled " great " I say with sarcasm

Am I supposed to be happy? I have to fight a dragon in front of the whole village and I still don't know what astrid's gonna make me do , just great.

Out of nowhere Elsa came and kissed me , I closed my eyes and kissed back.

" oh , well , this is getting awkward , I better go " gobber said and left

Elsa broke the kiss and hugged me. Then she kissed me again.

I broke the kiss " woah woah calm down , what's with all the hugs and kisses? "

" hiccup I have exiting news! Well I don't know if they're exiting for you , but they are for me "

" what news? "

" I'm pregnant! "

" w-w-what? "

" were going to be parents hiccup "

" that's amazing elsa! "

I picked her up and swung her around.

" but how did you know? Its only been one day "

" I'm a dragon hiccup , with dragons you can know even after the day its done "

" well I'm thrilled "

She smiled and jumped happily clapping her hands. Then she gasped.

" who's gonna fight in the final lesson? "

" me " I pretended to be exited " yay "

" dont worry , its no biggie , you just have to pretend- "

" its in front of the whole village " I cut her off

" oh , wait what? "

" yeah "

" I thought it was just- "

" yeah me too " I cut her off again

" well let's not be bummed out by that and remember that we're gonna have a baby "

I smiled and hugged her , I looked at the door and there stands astrid. My face became worried , she smirked and left.

I broke the hug " come on let's go "

" where are we going? "

" to the forest to tell you what's wrong "

I grabbed her hand and went where astrid said I had to go.

Once there I started to look for her.

" what are you doing? " elsa asked

" looking for someone "

" who? "

" me " astrid said and came out of the shadows.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now