chapter 8

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I ran in the forest to our special spot yelling her name , to see if she can hear me.

I can see trees on fire and other trees are cut by the half like the other day.

I go into our special spot and see elsa crying , on her human form , on a nearby rock.

She had bruises and cuts , some of them were bleeding.

" elsa? What happened to you? "

She looked back at me and smiled.

" hi hiccup " she wiped some tears from her eyes

" what happened to you? I saw you fliying by my village while being chased by monstrous nightmare "

She came and hugged me and started to cry more.

" shh its okay ime here " I look at her " want to tell me what happened? If not its okay "

" its just that I was walking at home and then suddenly jack , the monstrous nightmare you saw , pinned me on the wall. He asked me that if it was true a viking was my rider , I answered yes and he said that I was a traitor because your kind kill us and in my home the punishment for traitors is to cut their wings or to banish them forever " she sobbed more " jack wanted to cut my wings. So I started flying and he was chasing me , I hit my self with a couple of trees. When we got here he pinned me down , he was about to burn my wings but my dad came and stopped him , that's the story of what happened "

" well he's a jackass , I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier to help you , I promise that when I felt that burn in my hand I went the fastest I could here "

" its okay I believe you "

Our faces were extremely close to each other , I could feel her breath and I bet she could feel mine.

We were about to kiss , but she stopped it.

" stop , I'm still not your girlfriend "

" I just wish you were " I say

She looked at me and did something I did not expect her to do , she kissed me!

Our lips moved in sync. She putted her hands on my neck and I putted mine on her waist.

I wish this moment would never end , but the need for air beaten us.

" then I am , I love you hiccup hourrendous haddock III since the day I met you " she said panting

" then why didn't you say yes when I asked you? "

" because I was making sure you were the right guy , and you are " she smiled

" I love you elsa "

" I love you too hiccup "

We locked eyes , her beautiful blue eyes looking at me and my forest green eyes looking at hers.

" hiccup I think you should go back to your village , it's already night "

" I'm not leaving you alone like this "

" I'm fine hiccup "

" no you're not , look at you some of your cuts are bleeding and you have bruises everywhere "

" hicc it okay , I'm okay "

" I'm still not leaving "

" and there's nothing you can do too convince me to leave you " I add

" what if a dragon came and could kill at any second? "

" els I don't care if a dragon could kill me , if I get sick or anything , I could never leave you you know why? "

" why? "

" because I love you so , so , so much "

She smiled.

" plus if a dragon came to kill me you said that dragons protect their riders no matter at what cost , well boyfriends protect their girlfriends not matter at what costs " I kissed her nose gently

She giggled " you're crazy "

" crazy for you "

She rolled her eyes " let's just go to sleep "

" sure thing m'lady "

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now