chapter 18

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I entered the biggest house here.

You could tell it was hiccup's because there were photos of him and who I'm guessing is his mother on the table.

But , where's the father?

" hello? Anyone here? " I ask looking around

The woman from the pictures came down the stairs.

She had brown hair like hiccup and green eyes also like hiccup.

I'm pretty sure she's hiccup's mother.

" who are you? What are you doing here? " she asked

" I'm Elsa hiccup's girlfriend , I think he's told you about me because he said you were exited to meet me "

" oh I'm valka , hiccup's mother "

Knew it!

" you've grown so much " she said

" have I've seen you before? " I asked

" no , but the last time I saw you you were inside your mother's belly "

" you knew my mother? "

" oh yes , she and I were good friends , how is she now? "

" she died few minutes after giving birth to me and my sister "

" oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to ask "

" its okay you didn't know "

" want a cookie? I just made them "

" sure , as long it doesn't have any dragon in it "

" dragon? Oh no no no no I don't cook dragon "

I giggle " great "

" come follow me " she said and lead me to the kitchen

" so what's your sister's name? " she asked while handing me a chocolate chip cookie

" anna " I eat a piece of the cookie " this is delicious "

It really is.

" thank you " she jokingly bows " is she a dragon too? " she ask

" yep , a deadly nadder like aunt Bea "

" what dragon are you? "

" I'm a white nightfury "

" you take after your dad "

" I guess I do "

" so how did you meet hiccup? "

" I was on the waterfall in my human form refreshing myself when I caught him watching me "

" is he your rider too? "

" yeah "

" have you taken him riding in your back? "

" yeah , he really isn't that heavy you know "

She laughed " well that's hiccup "

" Can i ask you a question? "

" Sure "

" Why wasn't his father in any of the photos in the table? Did he die or something? "

" No he's still alive , but he never wanted to be in a photo of hiccup because he's ashamed and disaponyed of hiccup same as everyone els "

" Why? "

" Because he couldn't kill a dragon " she sighed " but now that he did nobody's ashamed or disapointed at him "

" Actually he didn't kill any dragons , i thought him some technichs that would make the dragon faint and it would look like he killed it "

" that's a relive , I thought hiccup would start being like the others "

" I'm sure he won't " I put an arm on her shoulder and give it a little squeeze then take it back " so , what made you name him hiccup? " I ask

She giggles " well they say that his name can scare away trolls , so we decide to name him hiccup because of that "

" trolls? I've seen trolls but not here but in another land called arrandell and I don't think a name like hiccup is gonna scare them , no of fence though , I like the name it makes him look more dorkier and cute "

" you've seen trolls? "

" yeah anna and I convinced dad to take a vacation from his alpha duties and we went to arrandell , there we met trolls "

" how were they like? "

" when you see them for the first time they just look like rocks , but you just have to call them and wait a little , they'll come to you and they will look like fat babies with arms , legs and head and all made of rocks "

" they sound amazing "

" where els have you've gone? " she asked

Before I could say anything hiccup came and putted an arm on my shoulder.

" hey els , hey mo- "

He couldn't finish what he was going to say because valka shoved two cookies into his mouth.

" you interrupted what she was going to say " she looked at me " continue with what you were saying "

" I was saying that I have gone all around the world , every year my dad let's his best friend in charge and goes in a vacation with us "

" that sounds amazing "

" the cookies are good mom " hiccup said

" thanks hiccup , oh and by the way have you seen your father? " she asked

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