15 fact about me ( tagged by @xxom11 )

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1) i dress like a boy but act like a girl

2) before hiccelsa i shipped jelsa , but i relised hiccelsa is freaking perfect together

3) i broke my chin five times and all those times the doctors had to sew it

4) i go to disney every november , because there i can celebrate thanksgiving with part of my family that lives in orlando

5) i have a little brother and a newborn step-sisther

6) my favorite TV series is ' once upon a time '

7) i have two dogs cafe and koko

8) my parents are divorced , my dad lives in texas and my mom , my brother and i live in puerto rico , right now im visiting my dad at texas

9) my favorite game is ' infinity ' and ' mario cart '

10) my favorite song is ' forbbiden friendship ' form httyd

11) when you first meet me i am super shy but when you get to no me im a weird fangirl

12) when i was at sixt grade , everyone in class ( exept my friends ) called me gay or lesbian

13) i like to sing and dance in public with my BFF , altough neither of us know how to sing and dance , so we look like total weirdos , but we dont care , we're having fun

14) my favorite class is english

15) my favorite book in wattpad is ' his gettaway ' ( if the author is reading this Please update! Im diying here! When you can )

And that are the 15 fact about me



There will be an update soon , hopefully

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