chapter 23

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I waved to my parents goodbye as they sailed away.

They said they were going to another land to make some traidings and that they would be back tomorrow.

" where were they going again? " elsa asked

" arrandell " I answer

I looked at her once more , laitly I've been looking her a lot more , still can't get over on how hot she looks in that outfit.

" I'm sure your mom will love it there "

" yeah. She always said she wanted to visit other island or kingdoms "

" arrandell is a pretty place and a peaceful one too " she looked at me and smiled " you would like it "

" then I'll make sure that one day we will visit arrandell and many other places , just the two of us "

" I'd like that "

She hugged me and I hugged back.

" wanna sword fight? " she asked as she breaked the hug

" sure , let me just get my sword "

I started looking for my fire sword but I didn't find it.

" guess I left it at home "

Her face fell " oh "

" don't worry , just go to the forest to our special place and I'll go get my sword and meet you there "

" kay " she kissed my cheek and left

I started running from the docks to my house.

I gave her a sword and laitly we've been sword fighting for fun , sometimes I win and sometimes she wins. She's really good if you ask me and she said she's never done sword fighting before.

I opened my house door.

" okay , where did I left my sword? "

I started looking everywhere.

" looking for this? " someone asked

I turned around and saw astrid close the door with one hand and my fire sword in the other.

" astrid? What the hell are you doing here? And why do you have my sword? " I ask

" you're gonna do exactly as I say "

" and why would I do that? "

" I know you're little girlfriend's secret "

" what secret? She doesn't have any secret "

" hiccup don't lie to me "

" I'm not liying "

" hiccup I know she's a dragon "

My eyes go wide.

" I know you're her rider "

I stayed silent for a minute " how do you know that? " I finally ask

" did you really think I wasn't gonna figure it out? "

" well I was hoping "

" you're gonna do exactly as I say or the whole village will know about the little secret of hers and you know what happens if that happens "

I closed my eyes tight " don't say it "

" she dies "

I couldn't imagine her die in front of me.

I opened my eyes and cgave her a glare " what do you want? "

" tomorrow , bring her to the forest. Remember the place of our first date? "

" yes "

" take her there at noon , the rest I'll tell you tomorrow "

She trowed me my fire sword and I catched it.

" bye hicc " she said and left

I screamed in anger and punched the wall leaving a mark. I putted my hands in my face , why does this happen to me? What did ever do wrong?! I'm threatened by astrid and if I don't do as I say elsa's gonna die.

I sighed in frustration , you know what? I'm just gonna go to Elsa and try to relax.

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now